Chapter 9: Secrets

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"You've met one?" Nate speaks up, our eyes met and the flashback begins.

Nate stands in the distance, trees surround him and he looks terrified beyond belief.

"Do you really have to do this Scarlett? Isn't there another way?"

He asks me his eyes pleading me for an answer. He just wants me to tell him it's going to be okay. But it's not going to be okay, it's never going to be okay.

"Nate, look at me, I am going to change your memories, alright? This is the only way to free you. You will remember me but you won't remember Miranda. And that's all that matters. Okay? Nothing to worry about..."

I realize I haven't answered his question,

"Yeah I met more than one. Do you all really want to hear what I want say about Vampires?"

Damien answers "Why wouldn't we?"

"No reason. Please don't ask questions till the end if you have any." I tell them. I take a deep breath and get comfortable in my seat and start.

"I was 15 years old when I blew up a factory that was a meeting place for deadly assassins. After I blew up the factory, I ran into a forest that forest being the redwood forest, where gangs gather to run their crimes and kill innocents. I was running through that forest when I was suddenly surrounded by 60 armed men. I thought I was going to die.

But out of the trees a guy, no older than myself, took on the men, defeating them and coming out with not a single scratch. He saved my life, taught me how to fight, and we became great friends. Later on, we fell in love and he became my fiancee.

His name was Reid, Reid was a Vampire.

Vampires live in clans much like kingdoms except they are very isolated creatures. Reid was King of his clan, he told his story of how he and other Vampires were tortured mentally and physically, because they were vampires and how him and the other Vampires there in the clan, over came their suffering.

His clan was the last, because other Vampire clans had been killed off by people who liked to hunt them for sport. Vampires were locked in cages that should have held animals but instead held them, they all were tortured and fed once a week, killing them most of them off. What most people don't know is that Vampires drink animal blood not supernatural blood.

They were fed supernatural blood and were forced to swallow the bitterness of it. The Vampires were abused, and hated yet they have more humanity than any other species because they will always help someone in need." I finished my story.

  "You had a fiancee?!"
 Nate and Damien both shout.


Damien looks furious,

"What happened to him?"

"He died, before I could marry him." I reply back trying to sound indifferent.

"You didn't wait for your soul mate!" He demands shaking his wolf on the edge.

"You let him touch what's mine!" He roars.

That was  the last straw.

I slap him across the face knowing that if I punched him my power could kill him.

"How dare you! You yell at me furious, about how he touched what's 'yours' when you are the one who had a daughter with someone who wasn't your soul mate. So don't you dare tell me to wash my hands when yours are dirty!" I shout. I can't believe he would have the nerve to say that.

"Guess what Damien? I am not a possession and even if I was I would never be yours! Do you hear me? The mother of your daughter sleeps in the same room as you while your daughter sleeps in a different one. Why is that? I am tired of this. Your possessiveness. Your stupid behaviour. Your hate against a species you don't even know! There are no sparks between us. I heard you talking to Cole your second in command about how you wish you could pick your soulmate. Damien I am so sorry that I am such a dissapointment even though you haven't even taken a chance to get to know me. We could never be soulmates. Goodbye Damien."

"What about me?" Nate speaks looking at me. "We could give us a chance."

"Really Nate? Tell that to your girlfriend, Aubrey. Goodbye Nate."

I walk off and nobody stops me.

I arrive at my room and write a quick note:

To Damien and Nate,

I am leaving.

Don't look for me.

I can take care of myself.

Nate, be happy with Aubrey even though she is cheating on you with your War General. Yes, your girlfriend is on you with your 58 year old War General.

Damien, tell your wolf that I am sorry and I wish I could be with him and only him. (Your wolf is a good person and tell him not to kill Nate). 

You'll see me on the news.

I wish I could say you'll never see or hear of me again, but that's a lie.

~The one and only Scarlett.

P.S If you couldn't tell my name is not Sage.

Throwing all my things in my pack I pull out the briefcase. I open it, changing into my black gear I place one gun in it's holster, one in my ankle, I place knives in my shoes, darts and poison in my jacket and finally I sling my machine gun over my shoulder and I head off into the night, never looking back.

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