Chapter 40: Change of Scenes

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"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts."

~William Shakespeare

Scarlett's Point of View~~~


I did the thing I did best, I ran.

My feet stomping against the forest floor, my lungs filling up with air, as I beat on, my mind a boat against the current, struggling to grasp and form thoughts together.

But it was no use.

My mind, my body, and my soul were fixed into a single thought, replaying itself like a broken record, never-ending and never giving me a moment's peace.

 I had to get to the portal.

I couldn't fly, and I could transport myself there, I can't risk getting discovered.

"Don't bother." A voice said behind me.

I turned swiftly, going into warrior mode prepared to fight.

I froze in shock, my feet glued to the ground, my eyes fixed on the sight before me.

Abbadon was alive, and behind him were all my old friends. Obsidian, a past out Michael, Nate, Maddie, Aubrey, everybody. Abbadon raised his hands up in mock-surrender, his eyes fixed on my face, as if I was a broken reflection of a mirror that could be ripped away from him in any second.


"Don't leave me!" Abbadon screamed at me, he fell to the floor in despair. He looked so broken, his eyes haunted me. 

"You left me no choice!" I cry out in agony. "Why, why? How could you do something so stupid as to sell your soul?!"

"So we could still be together!"

"No we can't be."

"Why not?"

"Because you broke your promise." I turned, swallowing up all my feelings, and pushing them down to a place where they could never resurface.

I walked to the door, each step felt like a stab a heart, I stopped looking at the door.

"Goodbye, Abbadon." I said letting a tear slip, now that my back was turned.

"Oh darling," His voice a sad whisper, "You use to call me Adam."

 I opened the front door and looked back for the first time and last time in my life.

Abbadon was on the floor, looking broken and disheveled, I doubted I looked any better.

I left and slammed the door, letting the sound echo and ring in my ears.

I fell on to the floor and sobbed.

Flashback Over

"Abbadon. Long time, no see. Last time I saw you, weren't you buried under several feet of rock, left to die a long slow death?" I said, prepared to spring at him any moment.

"Oh, darling I was. Luckily your friends here were so kind as to save me." Abbadon, going back to his old self, grinned at me almost wickedly, showing me his pearly white teeth.

I looked at the my friends behind him and mentally face-palmed.

"That's great!" I said sarcastically, "And I thought I would have to drag you out myself. They saved me the trouble didn't they?! That's fabulous!" I flashed him a wicked smile of my own, and said "Why don't I bury you again? Just for old times' sake!" I raised my hand in the air, flicking my wrist, feeling the quake of my power. The earth rumbled, the stones surrounding us began to shake bowing before my god-given power.

"I want something from you, then I will heal you're friend here, who is unconcious from my poison, and before you try to reverse it, know it's blood magic. So if you or anyone but me tries to heal him, the spell will become worse and he will die instantly. And if he dies from blood magic, well then you can't ressurect him and he is going to hell. Even the Angel of Death can't stop that." Abbadon said confidently.

"What do you want?" I said grimly, not at all happy at the fact I am being blackmailed.

"Very simple, I want my soul, and you are going to help me get it back."

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