Chapter 31: Jace

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I did my hair, and suited up. Miranda was going down, and I was getting back my crown.

We arrived at the castle, through a back entrance not many people know about.

Once we were in, I motioned for them to follow me, and we walked into the library.

"What are we doing here?" Nate said loudly.

"Shhh..." I said putting a finger to my lips. "Follow me." I whisper.

I fumbled as my fingers found the right book.


The sweet sound of the secret passage opening made me smile like the Cheshire Cat.

"This way." I whispered loudly. I stepped into the secret passage that hadn't been used by anyone in years. I summoned a fireball on my hand and used it as light to guide me.

"What is this place?" Obsidian asked in awe.

"A secret passage that will take us right to the throne room." I replied.

We walked for about ten minutes before I stopped them.

"We're here." I said. There was a blank wall separating us from the throne room.

"Hey Scar, sorry to inform you, but this is no throne room." Ryan said.

I rolled my eyes and answered by sarcastically. "Really? I had no idea! What would we do without you, Ry-Ry?"

He mumbled a whatever and hushed.

"Get back!" I said excitedly. They took a step back as I kicked the wall. The wall fell heavily on the floor and shattered a table. Today there was a meeting and everyone was here. I walked out, stepping purposely on the wall, to see a group of about six-hundred people in the crowd, staring at me jaws unhinged and their eyes as wide as saucers.

There in the center of the room, was Miranda with my crown on her head. She looked as shocked and as terrified as the crowd. On her left stood Will, her Commanding General and my ex-best friend. Miranda stood up, her mouth was gaping like a fish out of water, and she was stunned into silence.

"Sorry I'm late. Traffic." I said smiling mischievously.

Try not to enjoy this too much, Scarlett.

No promises Jay.

I looked back at Miranda, who still looked in shock, but I realized she wasn't looking at me, she was looking at Obsidian, who was looking right back at her. <A/N: I was going to end it here but I'm too nice for that ;)>

Recognition flashed in Obsidian and Miranda's eyes.

"Jace." Miranda said in astonishment, a look of adoration in Miranda eyes.

I am not liking this.

I don't like this either Jay Bird.

"Mira." Obsidian or Jace said back.

"Do you two know each other?" I interrupted, I was not liking this.

"We're soulmates." Miranda and Obsidian said at the same time. 

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