Chapter 21: Unexpected Guests

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3 days before the wedding~~

Scarlett's Point of View~~~

I am very close to surviving the hell that is Adrian and his mother. The past for few weeks have been the worst weeks of my life, keeping my anger and temper under control, while Sonia, Adrian's mother has been insulting and nagging at me, has been one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do. Adrian hasn't been much help either, each day more and more stressed about the wedding, getting on my nerves. He picked out my wedding dress! Not that I honestly care, I'm not going to marry him anyway. But still, he didn't even let me come to the cake tasting, which was the only part of the wedding I was looking forward to. My plan was to stop time, take the amulets, wedding presents, and the cake. We're having a pink wedding which he decided, and I couldn't care less until he said, no demanded, that I wear the pink wedding dress he bought me.

I cannot wait until the wedding comes around and I stop time, and get the hell out of there.

3  days. 3 days. I chant. Right now that's the only thing keeping what's left of my sanity.

"Babe!" Adrian calls from the hallway.

"Yes?" I say sweetly.

"I picked out the bridesmaids." He says excited.

"I thought we agreed on no bridesmaids or groom men because you want a short ceremony." I say, pleading that his cousins aren't the bridesmaids he picked out.

"I changed my mind. My cousins are going to be the bridesmaids." He says excited.

"Yay!" I say sarcastically knowing that Adrian cannot detect sarcasm at all.

"Yay!' He cheers along with me.

3 days. 3 days. 3 days, 3 days.


Obsidian's Point of View~~~

Finding Scarlett, has been harder than I expected. We searched near by towns. Nothing no sign of her. It's like she just flew away or something. We have been in here house, thinking of an idea searching rooms. Michael went out, said something about he had something to take care of. Not that I care, for the past few weeks, we have been at each others, and I am trying really hard not to kill him.

"Guys! I have news, I found her!" Michael says bursting out the mansion doors.

"Where is she?" I ask. Finally I found her.

Michael frowns and furrows his eyebrows.

"Umm according to this she is getting married." Michael announces. 

"WHAT?!" Everyone says at the same time.

"To whom?" Ryan asks confused.

"King Adrian." Michael replies.

"How do you know it's her?" I ask doubtfully.

"Take a look. I stole it from a Duchess' purse." He says proud of himself.

I snatch it from his hands and take a look.

You are royally invited to the wedding of Council Member King Adrian and his future Queen Sophia. The wedding is to be held December 18th, all are welcome to attend.

The wedding will be held in King Adrian second castle by  Manning Lake in Warlock Country.

Don't be late!

Below the information, was a picture of my Scarlett and of Adrian. Adrian smiled, and looked extremely happy and in love, Scarlett was smiling too, with a huge grin, but her smile was like the kind of smile where you think about how you are going to kill you worst enemy, not the happy in love smile.

December 18th was in 3 days.

"Guys we have a wedding to crash." I announced. "Pack your bags, we leave in five minutes."

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