Chapter 13: Amulets and Teamwork

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Obsidian lunged at Ryan without hesitation, out of nowhere, six-hundred palace guards started shooting silver bullets at Obsidian, using my magic, I created a force field around Obsidian and I started shooting fireballs at the guards. I couldn't bring myself to kill all of them so after they were shot with a fireball I healed them and put them to sleep. The six-hundred guards were asleep within seconds, but more would be here any minute. Ryan had shifted into his brown wolf which looked small compared to Obsidian and now they were both snarling and growling at each other. The bystanders looked in awe as Obsidian took down the leader of the supernatural council and then Obsidian looked at me saying Do I kill him?

"Obsidian take his amulet and let's go." I looked at Ryan who was losing consciousness and I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"This is revenge for all the innocents you killed, for my family who you killed and for the time you killed all those vampires! If come at me again or hurt anyone I love I won't hesitate to kill you. And if you want to try, to stop me, remember this moment, because I will not show you mercy the next time."

Damien was behind me the force field separated us and his face was the picture of anger.

"Dad what is she talking about?! You killed innocents?!" Ryan looked at Damien, his face looked blank, and indifferent.

"Son, I did no such thing. She's a liar, and look what her 'pet' did, took our family amulet. I have never lied to you."

I cleared my throat, everyone was looking at me like I had grown 3 heads.I stopped and looked at Ryan a sly smile creeping up on my face.

I looked at Damien and Nate who was beside him.

"So Damien, since your father has never told you any lies. Then you know that your father had an affair, and that you have a brother."

"What?" Damien looked at his father accusingly and the crowd gasped in shock and broke out in whispers.

"Not true." Ryan stuttered, he suddenly looked pale, like he had been caught robbing a bank.

"It's true isn't Dad? I have a half-brother." Damien looked at me. "Who is he?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yes. I can handle it." Damien said stubbornly.

I sighed. "A year after you were born, your father had an affair with a fae. She later became pregnant and died during childbirth. Your father put the child into adoption and he and I became good friends."

Damien said again through gritted teeth. "Who. Is. He?"

"Damien, Nate is your brother."

Everyone gasped.

Nate stepped back from Damien his expression morphed into one of hurt.

"Why didn't you tell me Scar? I thought we were friends. Partners." Nate said.

"We are Nate. It just wasn't the right time." I replied back.

"No." Nate said angrily. "No. We are not friends, partners, or anything. Anything we ever felt for each other is done and cannot happen. I hate you. I hate you, because your selfish, inconsiderate, and so secretive! Have you ever thought about anyone's elses well being but yourselves? Have you?  I thought we could be something after all this was over. After I break up with Aubrey, but I was wrong. I want nothing to do with you. You are so broken! And rejected and... A freak! Stay away from me!"

My heart broke.

Nate. My best friend, the guy I sorta had a crush on, thinks I'm broken, and the worst part is he's right.

He realizes the power of his words and an his expression holds remorse,

"Scar, I am sorry, I didn't mean it, I love you." He apologizes but it's too late. Damien and Nate both move to comfort me, but I hold up my hand to stop him.

"Don't. I'm not worth it." I say bitterly.

Damien says softly. "We're mates."

"No we are not Damien. You have done too many things. You are still with Amara and you can't let her go. So I am doing you a favor. I, Scarlett reject Damien as my soul mate. Ryder forgive me and be happy."

Damien looks confused as to why he doesn't feel anything.

Damien eyes change colors and Ryder takes over.

"Scarlett, why have you rejected me?"

"Ryder, I am sorry, but we cannot be together."


"Because I'm not her."

"What do you mean. Not her?"

"Your first mate. I'm not her. You will learn to love Amara. Be happy."

"I will be your mate. I am going to fight for your heart and win."

I look over to Obsidian, who looks at me back. Can I tell him?


I transport Obsidian and I into a cave, and I sat down on the floor. Obsidian shifted into his human form and said "I can shift for 2 hours each day." I just nodded. Obsidian's eyes were gold like his wolf and his black hair was perfectly tousled making him look gorgeous and dangerous. Obsidian came close to me and hugged me. Tears started to stream down my face, for the first time in forever, I cried. I cried, because I lost my real family, I lost Reid, I lost Nate, my best friend, who couldn't remember our real past, I lost my mother, long ago, who's last words to me were you're a monster, I cried because for so long I felt alone, and abandoned, and unloved. I felt that everything I ever loved in life died. I cried and Obsidian comforted me, not asking me any questions, just comforting me.

I had stopped crying and I said. "Thank you."

Obsidian looked at me, his gold eyes meeting my green ones, "Do you want to talk about it?"

For the first time, I was going to tell someone everything. "Yeah."

He waited patiently for me to speak.

"I was found in a forest, when I was a baby, or so I have been told, the entire forest was burned, but I remained unharmed, I grew up in Lycos which is a secret kingdom that nobody knows about except Ryan and a few members of the council, anyway the royal family there adopted me and I grew up being the black sheep of the family, my family liked me, but never loved me, except for my little brother, me and him were always close. When I discovered I had powers, my family shunned me, and I ran away and I accidentally transported myself here on the opposite side of the world and got landed in an orphanage. I was later adopted again by a man who sold me to a organization that creates assassins. There I met Nate, mastered my powers, and I became a killing legend. I later escaped with Nate, changed his memories for certain reasons. And here I am."

"Why do you want to kill Ryan?"

"He was the leader of the organization and he wants to destroy Lycos and the only way to save Lycos and the world is to take all those amulets and destroy them."

"Where all the amulets?"

"On the council members."

"We're in."

Two male voices said excitedly, interrupting us.

I turned around and saw Nate, Damien, Ryan, Amara, Aubrey standing outside of the cave, each of them had a pack and looked like they were going on a camp trip.

"Where are you all going?" I asked extremely confused. I looked at Obsidian who looked, as confused as me.

"With you." Ryan grumbled.

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