Chapter 36: Revenge

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Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.


Scarlett's Point of View~~~

Some people think that death is the greatest loss in life, that once we die it's all over, and they are incorrect. Death, is a simple transition, like the changing of a caterpillar to a butterfly. And I tell you truthfully, death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss in life is what dies inside of us while we live. I didn't understand the meaning of loss as a young Angel of Death, because there was no loss for me and for heaven. Heaven only gained, but always Earth lost. Only when I lost so many things, did I understand the meaning. 

Bending the bars was easy, but I couldn't transport myself out because Abbadon would sense my magic. I tiptoed out of the dungeon, blending with the shadows to disguise myself so I wouldn't be seen. I remembered when I use to stay in this castle with Abbadon.


"Adam you can't catch me!" I yelled over my shoulder, using my nickname for Abbadon.

"Watch me!" He yelled back chasing after me, speeding up using his powers.

He caught up with me, and grabbed me from behind, throwing me over his shoulder. He laughed.

"Where are you taking me?!" I demand.

"Don't forget to hold your breath." He replied back, his green eyes mischievous.

He threw me into the pool, I landed into the freezing cold water, then I shivered.

"No fair!" I pouted happily.

Using my telekinesis, I flung him into the pool.

He rose up from the water.

"No fair!" He mocked me, and started splashing me and I laughed childishly as I splashed him back.

I roamed down the labyrinth of hallways, until I came across the exit. Walking towards the door of my freedom made me giddy.

It's sad to think I can free myself from a physical prison cell, but I can't free myself from the dark, and the mental slavery that is my mind. Because inside of my internal prison cell that is my mind, is a secret that nobody knows. Nobody. Not even Michael. It's that secret that imprisons me, that sits in the darkest corner of my mind taunting me, slowly torturing me everyday. It is the thing that keeps me up at night, rewinding itself in my mind. It's the broken record that reminds me every second that I am here on this land, that I am the monster. Slowly succumbing to my dark desires, I'm breaking just like Abbadon, slowly but surely I will become the monster I feared I was. I can tell everyday my secret wears me down, and I assure you that one day I'm going to tell them. And on that day, I will watch as they reject me, and move back in fear and disgust as they see what I really am. They will see that I'm more than just the Angel of Death. And when I watch them turn away from me and run. I might just give in this time and let the darkness consume me, like I should have centuries ago.

But for now, I was going to hold on to what's let of my humanity, and try to just be human, for them. But for Abbadon I was going to be something else. I was going to be Abbadon's worst nightmare, he was going to regret everything he ever did to me. Killing my father. Torturing me. Lying to me. Betraying me. I was angry. And anger is a killing thing.

I concentrate as I use my powers to demolish his precious castle. I feel the earth quake under my power, the ground around me begins to shake violently, the surrounding structures trembled before me in fear. "Fall." I whispered to the buildings and they obeyed. The killer in me was so proud, and I watched the buildings, mercilessly fall. Some part of me knew this was wrong, but I couldn't stop. And after all, how can you run from what's inside of you?

Michael's Point of View~~~

I honestly didn't think any of them would be smart enough to figure out who Abbadon was, and where his demon tower was, I also thought that if anybody did figure it out, it wouldn't be Trent. So I must admit, I'm surprised. "Are we ready to go?" I called out to the group, who were suiting up to face Abbadon. He wanted a war so we were going to give him one, we would fight him for Scarlett.

"Yeah we're good." Obsidian said to me.

They walked out clad in armor, I examined them all and nodded in approval, they carried good weapons. Maddie came out finally from her room carrying a large ax that was dripping with blood. The ax looked dangerous and I was seriously suspicious by the fact that Maddie has a pyschopatic grin on her face. "Maddie?" I asked "Why does the ax have blood on it already?"

Maddie frowned and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Umm it's red paint. Purely ceremonial." She stuttered struggling to come up with a good lie. "Really? Red paint. Then why do I smell blood?" I asked standing a safe distance away from her.
She panicked not knowing what to say, "Cause I got a paper cut sharpening this thing, so the blood you smell is mine." She avoided looking me in the eye.

I gave her a pointed look. "A paper cut?"
"Yes a paper cut!" She yelled. I sighed giving up, even though I know it's pig blood that Maddie likes to put in Aubrey's drinks when she's not looking, because she knows that pig blood makes Aubrey break out in hives and get a rash. I sighed giving up.

"Let's just go." Ryan said gruffly.

"Hey how will we know that it's Abbadon, the demon none of us have seen him." Maddie pointed out. It was true none of us, including me had ever seen Abbadon's face.

"We'll figure out. Just look for someone who looks demonic, I guess." Ryan shrugged.

We arrived at Abbadon's castle, to see that it was completely demolished. The demon castle that I once remembered helping Scarlett escape from was now a pile of rubble.

"Help." We heard a voice behind us say. We all turned around in sync, to see a teenager no older than myself, buried under a pile of heavy stones.

His green eyes looked helpless, and he said "Help. Please."

Everyone became to move the stones that were on top of him, and finally the pile of stones was moved. I helped him up.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Adam." He replied.

"Well, Adam, welcome to the team."

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