Chapter 38: The Opening

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Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.

-Benjamin Franklin

Michael's Point of View~~~

I was consumed by the darkness, it was swallowing me whole, leaving me cold and empty. I should have been more careful, I thought pointlessly. Now if Abbadon went through the portal to Earth, then Earth would be in serious trouble. He couldn't do it before, because to travel portal you have to have an angel with you. But once, you're on Earth you can't go back. Ever. The only person who can travel back and forth is Scarlett, and nobody knows how she does it. But every time she travels she comes back different.

Abbadon poisoned me so he could through the portal, even though I'm unconscious, the portal will still let him through. Going to Earth, meant one thing, he was going after something. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. I was here in this state of mind, helpless.

Scarlett's Point of View~~~

I motioned with my hands for the boys to come closer.

"What?," whispered Robin.

"See that man over there?" I pointed to the fat man, who was wearing what looked like at least eighty pounds of jewels, and we watched as he entered a carriage heavy with gold.

"Yeah," said John, who was getting his weapon ready to attack.

"Him." I commanded, letting them go wild. 

We went wild as Robin left loose an arrow, making the carriage unstable that carried the gold, we were going to steal. I ran quickly, to the carriage, stripping it bare, and carrying all I could, and using my telekinesis to carry the rest.

"Little John, strip him bare, and take his jewels. Tell him he's paying last's months' taxes." I grinned.

John grumbled something about always missing out on all the action.

"I'm done." Robin yelled.

"Me too!" I replied.

"Me three!" Matt groaned under the weight of the gold in his burlap sack he was carrying.

"Don't forget me!" Gage said dragging another sack of gold.

"Scarlett transport us out of here?" Robin asked grinning.

"With pleasure." I replied satisfied.

I snapped my fingers and we were back at the secret cabin.

"Count it, we're giving half to the townspeople, and half is our pay." I commanded.

We counted our gold and jewels, and gave half to the townspeople.

Robin came towards me, giving me a boyish grin.

"So Scarlett what are you doing with you're cut?" Robin asked cheekily.

"Hmm... probably gamble it all, and triple my earnings." I said thoughtfully.

I laughed as Robin nodded in agreement.

"Shall we m'lady?" Robin said offering his arm.

"To the pub?" Robin asked happily.

"To the pub." I answered back.

Obsidian's Point of View~~~

Adam led us through a path in the dark forest, it was dark and twisted, we struggled not to trip over branches and vines that grabbed at us.

"These branches and vines are infused with dark magic. An evil witch died here, and when she did the forest became infused with the essence of her magic. So be careful." Adam said leading us into the unknown.

I didn't want to do this, at all. I wanted to stay home, and look for Scarlett, but I couldn't let Michael die. But trusting Adam could be the biggest mistake of my life, it could cost me dearly. I sighed and continued on.

"We're here." Adam said, I looked around and I saw a brick wall, that was at least fifty feet tall, it was enormous, beyond anything I had ever seen.

"It's a wall." Ryan said boredly, rolling his eyes at it, as if it was the lamest thing ever.

"We just have to open it." Adam said thoughtfully.

"How?" Jay asked.

"In order to open the wall, we must first reveal our deepest darkest secrets." Adam said darkly.

Author's Note~~~

This update is longgg overdue, school is keeping me busy so I will have to start updating this on the weekends.

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