chapter two

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I wasn't sure why this was happening to me. It just seemed to get worse and worse. I'd try my best to sleep, but it just wouldn't work. And it's not like I wasnt tired. I was exhausted.

In fact, I was exhausted all the time. I couldn't focus at school, my grades were slipping, and I just felt all around awful. But I could never tell my dads. They worried enough as it is.

So I just laid there. Awake for hours.


"So what did Pete say?" Steve came back with a nervous look on his face.

"He wouldn't really talk. He said he was okay, but I'm not sure." Awesome, just what I needed right now. "What should we do?"

"I say let's wait it out, see if it blows over." Steve was always so calm when it came to things like this. I don't know how he does it.


That day I had my big chemistry final that I had been studying for for months. Unfortunately for me, it fell at the peak of my nonsleeping saga.

I looked at the first question and could barley see. My head kept bobbing forward, and I could feel an intense migraine coming on.

I couldn't hold it any longer and I blacked out.


I opened my eyes and I was in the nurses office. How did I get here? My dads were sitting there, looking at me with worry in their eyes. "W-what happened?" I groaned.

"Peter, it seems you fell asleep during your exam and we were not able to wake you."

"Pete, what's going on?" Dad was basically on the verge of tears.

"Can you just take me home?" I mumbled. Pops let out a sigh and stood up. This was going to be a long car ride home.

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