chapter four

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"Peter Stark-Rogers?" My heart sank as the nurse called my name. I got up and Dad and Pops followed close behind. "The doctor will be right in," she said closing the door behind her.

"Whatever is going on, we'll get through it together, okay?" Dad said as he held my hand. I didn't say anything. Just faintly smiled.

The door opened and in came the doctor. "Well hello there, my favorite super family! How are we all doing today?"

"We're alright."

"So what seems to be the problem?" he said, putting on his gloves.

"Well, Peter hasn't exactly been himself lately and he's just seemed, um, very sick. Peter can you elaborate?" I didn't answer. The doctor checked my ears, nose, throat, and all of the above.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I have a word with your son for a moment?" They nodded their heads and stepped outside.


Steve and I anxiously waited outside, while Peter talked to the doctor. Steve held my hand a squeezed it tight, trying to calm me down. Finally, Peter came out and the doctor asked us to step inside.

"So is everything alright?"

"Well, he's perfectly healthy. But the bottom line is he's exhausted. Poor boy hasn't slept in weeks."

"Okay, good, so he just needs to go his le and get some sleep right?"

"Sadly, it's not that simple. I'm diagnosing him with a case of insomnia. It's a sleeping disorder that makes it difficult to fall or stay asleep. But what really concerns me is that insomnia is usually linked with anxiety or depression. So I've scheduled him for an appointment with a therapist."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My poor son. I tried my best not to cry as the doctor wrote down the therapists address. "Thank you so much," Steve said as he grabbed the paper.

We walked outside to find Peter sitting on a bench with his head in his hands.

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