chapter eight

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this chapter is dedicated to @Jays_Lyfe and @Author-Chan736 for being so sweet and always commenting !!


I ran home as fast as I could, praying my dads would be there. I slammed open the door, yelling out their names. "Dad! Pops!" To my surprise, they were right there in the kitchen.

"Thank God, you guys-"

My heart sank into my stomach when I saw Dad on the floor, bleeding. Pops looked at me, a single tear streaming down his face. I dropped to my knees at his side. "W-what happened?"

"He got stabbed pretty bad." I took Dad's face in my hands, whipping away his tears. "I'm so s-sorry, Dad." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. "P-pete."

Then something strange started happening. The knot in my stomach intensified, my heart rate increased, and I could barely breathe.



All of the sudden Peter started hyperventilating. He was doubled over on the floor trying to catch his breath. "W-what's h-happening?" he said, through his short breaths.

I knew exactly what was happening. He was having an anxiety attack. Just like Tony.

I picked him up and held him in my arms. "Peter you just need to calm down, okay? Everything's gonna be alright. Just deep breaths. In and out. In and out."

He was holding onto my arms so tight his nails were digging into my skin. He laid his head on my chest, squeezing his eyes tight. "Just breathe, bud."

After Peter calmed down and went back over to Tony, who was still bleeding out on the floor. "Tony? Tony, are you okay?" He was unconscious. "Peter, we gotta take your Dad to the hospital."

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