chapter ten

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I got home and went straight to Dad and Pop's room. I got into their bed, and decided I was gonna sleep there. Well, at least try. I looked at the picture sitting on Dad's nightstand.

 I looked at the picture sitting on Dad's nightstand

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Tears began to well in my eyes. To no surprise, I didn't sleep that night.


I slowly opened my eyes, and wasn't exactly sure where I was or what had happened. I looked around and realized I was in a hospital. I looked to my right and saw Steve asleep on the couch. "Steve? Steve, wake up."

"Tony, you're awake! Thank God," he said as he slowly opened his eyes. He got up and gave me a big kiss. "I was so worried, Tony."

"I'm okay, Steve. Wait, where's Peter?"

"He's at home. I wanted him to try and get some sleep, and figured it'd be better if he was in an actual bed rather a hospital couch. I told him we'd be home today."

"Well, then what are we waiting for?"


We entered the house and there were strangers everywhere looking through all our stuff. "Excuse me, what are you doing in my house?" A man in a suit walked up to me.

"I'm with Child Protective Services. We have been informed that this may be an unsuitable environment for your son, Peter." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Excuse me?"

"With all do respect, Mr. Iron Man, are you aware of the neglect this child has experience? And I understand he has been diagnosed with insomnia recently. And you never took a minute to think that maybe this "superhero lifestyle" had something to do with that?"

I actually hadn't thought about that.

"Mr. Tony and Steve Stark-Rogers, and am declaring you unsuitable guardians for Peter, and he shall be removed from your custody."

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