chapter eighteen

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"Mr. Tony and Steve Stark-Rogers, I am, once again, declaring you full custody of Peter."

The whole court room was jumping for joy. I leapt into Steve's arms, tears streaming down both our faces. We did it. In all the commotion, I felt my phone ringing in my back pocket.

"Ms. Prather, perfect timing! We won! We did it!"

"It's Peter. You need to come. Now." Her voice was shaking. I knew something was wrong. "Steve we gotta go, now."

When we arrived at the orphanage there were multiple firetrucks and an ambulance outside. I tried to brave myself for what was behind those doors.

It felt like everything was happening in slow motion. Steve and I pushed through all the fireman to find our boy unconscious on the floor of his room. I tried to shake him awake but the fireman pulled me aside and stepped in.

My mind tried to process what was going on. There was a boy standing in the room, sobbing into his hands. "W-what happened?" I asked him.

"P-peter told m-me to l-leave the room for a l-little bit. And when I c-came back he, he was..." He couldn't finish his sentence.

"He was what?"

"H-he was hanging from the c-ceiling."

My heart dropped into my stomach when I saw the rope laying on the ground next to Peter. It couldn't be. I looked up at Steve, who was in complete shock.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked the fireman, who had an oxygen mask over Peter's face. "We're taking him to the hospital."

They rolled in a stretcher and lifted my poor boy up and onto it. Steve and I followed close behind as the pushed him to the ambulance.

"Please, dont leave me."

this is the only time i can update today so hang in there my friends

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