chapter seven

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I laid awake all night, worrying about my dads. I was filled with anxiety and anger that they wouldn't let me come help. I knew I was in no shape to help, but being home alone was much worse.

I had another appointment with my therapist that day, which was probably much needed.

"How did you sleep last night?"

"I didn't."

"Ah, yes I saw the news. Your dads are giving that bad guy quite the punch."

"I just wish they'd come home," I sighed. I know they hadn't been gone long, but that's when I needed them most.

"Do they leave you alone often, Peter?"

"I mean yea, but it's not their choice. Their Captain America and Iron Man. They have to save the world."

"Yes, I understand, but it is not healthy to leave a child alone so much. Don't you see what it is doing to you?"

"This, this is not their fault. And I'm not a child, I'm fifteen."

"Still a minor. I just think it would be wise to have Child Protective Services come and see if it's a suitable environment for you. Honestly, I'm not sure the superhero lifestyle is good for someone your age, Peter."

I couldn't believe what she was saying. I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks."No, I don't w-want that."

"Peter, it's in your best interest." I said nothing, just ran out of the room not lookin back.

No, no. I thought. They can't take me away from them.

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