chapter five

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"Peter, can we talk about this? Why didn't you tell us you haven't been sleeping?" Peter was in the back of the car, resting his head on Steve's shoulder.

"I didn't want you to worry." 

"Peter, we're gonna worry. It's what we do. But that's okay. Next time you need to tell us." He didn't say anything, just closed his eyes. "We're gonna take you to the therapist and figure things out right now. Don't worry, it's all gonna be better."


The car pulled up in front of a small, brown building with a big sign that read "Dr. Rose: Therapy For Teens." I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Bye, Pete," my Dad yelled. "We love you." I waved and walked inside.

"Hello, you must be Peter," I was greated by a middle aged woman, with short brown hair, and glasses. She got up and shook my hand. "Hello."

"Please, have a seat." I sat down on a small couch and could feel my palms beginning to sweat. "So Peter, I understand you have been diagnosed with Insomnia. Can you tell me about that?"

She could tell I was hesitant to talk. "It's okay, Peter. This is a safe environment."

"Well, it started a few weeks ago. A lot of things were just flowing through my mind I guess. And I thought it would just be a one night thing. But it started happening over and over again. Lately I'm lucky if I even get an hour in."

"You said you had lots of thoughts flowing through your mind. Can you tell me about those."

"Well, I guess they've just been about my family. I mean my dads are gone a lot cause of the hero stuff and I get worried. And at the same time I feel like I should be out there helping them. They don't always bring me on their missions cause they want me to stay safe, but I just want to help. And I'm worried if something happens and I'm not there, it'll be my fault."

"It seems you've got a lot of weight on your shoulders for a fifteen year old boy."

"More than you know."

wow i'm updating a lot today cool

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