chapter fourteen

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I was supposed to have another meeting with my therapist after Dad and Pops left, but I never wanted to go back there. It was her fault that I was in this mess.

I realized there was nothing I could do but wait until Dad and Pops figured out how to get me back. So I laid on my bed, starring at the ceiling, counting down the hours until I could finally return home.


Lucky for me, I married a billionaire, and we could afford the best lawyer money could buy. The only problem was that it would take time. And time was not on our side. It was the night before the trial and I couldn't sleep. "Tony? Are you awake?"

"Of course I am."

"Tony, what if Peter's right? What if we can't get him back? What are we gonna do?"

"Don't even say that, Steve. It's gonna work." I knew arguing with him was pointless, so I rolled over on my side and tried my best to sleep.


When you have famous parents nothing in your life is private. Tom was watching the tv and told me I should come watch. "Tony and Steve Stark-Rogers fight for the custody of their son," was the big headliner of the day. Seeing my dads in the courtroom made me anxious, so I told Tom to turn it off.

All I wanted was to be alone, so I went back to my room, and closed the door behind me. I was starting to loose all hope in everything. In going home, in my dads,

and in life.

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