chapter two

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The next morning Casey woke up to Michael ripping the covers off her body. She groaned and tried to grab the blankets from him without opening her eyes. "Come on Casey. You have to get ready for school. We need to leave in like 30 minutes," Michael told her. He walked out of the room after making sure she was actually getting up and not just going to lay back down.

She walked over to one of her suitcases that she still hadn't unpacked and picked out a pair of maroon jeans with a white shirt and found a jean jacket to go over it. She stumbled out of her room, still half asleep, and down the hall to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and undressed.

15 minutes later, she was done and dressed and drying her hair the best she could

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15 minutes later, she was done and dressed and drying her hair the best she could. "Casey! We gotta go. Come on," Michael yelled to her. "Alright. I'm coming, I'm coming. Calm down, Mike." Casey said pulling on her jean jacket. Michael pushed her out the door and towards the car. They drove towards the school, Casey fiddling with her bag the whole way. Michael pulled up to the school and stopped the car.

"Have a good first day. Don't forget to make some friends and actually talk to people," Michael told her. She nodded her head, "Did they happen to give you a map of the school or anything when you registered me?" Casey asked. "Nope. Just go ask somebody, they're not gonna bite," Michael said. Casey sighed but got out anyway. "Bye, love you," he waved. "Love you, too." Casey said.

Michael pulled away and Casey looked around the parking lot, looking for someone who looked nice enough to talk to. She saw a nice looking girl standing by an orange truck, grabbing her bag out of the seat. Casey walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, um, could you tell me where the front office is? I'm new and have no idea where to go," she said.

The girl turned around, "I don't think I'm going to be much help. I'm new, too, and equally as confused," she said. Casey smiled and held out her hand, "I'm Casey Irwin," she said. The girl shook her hand, "Bella Swan." Casey nodded, "Well Bella, what do you say we go find the office?" Casey asked. Bella nodded and the two girls walked off towards the school.

"Hey! You're the new girls right? Isabella Swan and Casey Irwin?" an overly excited boy asked. "Actually, it's just Bella, " Bella said awkwardly. "Cool. My names Eric, I'm the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need tutor, lunch date, shoulder to cry on."

"Actually, I'm more of the suffer in silence type, " Bella said. "Me too," Casey agreed. "Hey, that's a good headline! I'm on the paper and you guys are news. Front page baby!" Eric said excitedly. Casey's eyes widened, "Um, no thank you. That's really not necessary," she said quickly. "Alright, fine. No Casey Irwin in the paper. What about you Bella?" Eric asked. Bella shook her head. "Alright, no feature." The girls nodded in thanks. "Could you just tell us where the office is?" Casey asked. "Yeah, totally!" Eric answered.

Eric led the girls to the office and went to his class. They walked to the desk together and the secretary smiled at them. "Hello dears, how can I help you?" she asked. "Um, we're both new. I'm Casey Irwin and she's-" "Isabella Swan?" the lady guessed. Both girls nodded and the lady smiled. "I thought so. Here are your schedules, locker numbers and combinations, and a map to get your way around. And if you would ask your teachers to sign these slips in each class that would be terrific. Then just bring them back here at the end of the day," she smiled.

They both nodded again and took their papers, both of them telling the lady thank you before walking out into the slightly crowded hallways. Casey looked down at her schedule:

1. AP English
2. Honors Algebra 2
3. Gym
4. Spanish 3
5. Lunch
6. Biology
7. Study Hall
8. US History

She had Gym and Biology with Bella, but that was it. Casey walked to her first class after wishing Bella luck and, after getting lost even with a map, she managed to find it only 3 minutes late. She walked in the class and the teacher stopped talking and looked at her.

"You're the new student, I'm assuming?" he asked. She nodded. "Great, why don't you come up here and tell us a bit about yourself," he said, gesturing to the front of the room. Casey had a small internal crisis before nodding and walking to the front of the room.

"Hi, uh, I'm Casey Irwin. I just moved here with my brother from Illinois. Before that I lived in Texas," she said. The teacher nodded, "You can have a seat by Angela. Angela, please raise your hand." Casey saw a girl in the middle row raise her hand up and sent a warm smile to Casey. She quietly walked towards her seat and dropped her bag by her on the floor.

"Hi, I'm Angela. It's nice to meet you," Angela said, quietly. Casey smiled, "I'd introduce myself, but you already know who I am. It's nice to meet you, too," Casey said. "Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" Angela asked. Casey nodded, "That'd be great. Thank you," Casey said relieved. Angela nodded then turned to continue listening to Mr. James.


From across the room, Jasper sat next to Emmett, with his eyes on Casey. Watching as she conversed with Angela. As soon as she walked in the room, his attention was drawn to her. It wasn't that he wanted to jump up and attack her, drink her blood until it was gone, it was quite the opposite actually. He felt the need to protect her, care for her. He was more than confused by this, normally he wanted to pounce on every human within a five mile radius, but not her. All he wanted was to protect her. And he promised himself that he would.

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