chapter ninteen

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The group of four pulled up to Bella's house, stopping abruptly in order to perfect their plan. Bella jumped out of the car and rushed to the door, Edward following her.

She pulled open the door and slammed it in his face. "Bella, please!" Casey went running after Bella, pausing next to Edward. "I'll talk to her," and she ran inside. Casey could hear Charlie's pained voice begging for Bella to stay and she hurried up the stairs.

"I'm gonna drive. I-I- I just need to think." Bella yelled. "Bella, let's talk about it! You can't just drive away in the night to Phoenix!" Charlie exasperated. Bella ignored him as she slammed her bedroom door in his face. Casey squeezed past him with an apologetic look. "I'll talk with her Charlie. I'll see what I can do." The man nodded sadly and Casey's heart clenched.

She pushed into Bella's room and saw Edward and Bella throwing random pieces of clothing into a duffel bag. Casey moved to join them, continuing to play her part. "Come on, Bells. You can't leave just because some stupid guy. What about me? And Jess, and Angela, and Eric and Mike?" "I don't care Casey! I can't stay here when I'll have to be around him everyday. It's not like I'll have you either!" Casey faltered for a moment. This wasn't part of their story.

"What do you mean? Of course you have me Bella!" Casey said sincerely. "You're always with Jasper, and the rest of them. I never see you anymore!" Bella cried. Edward stared at his girlfriend in confusion. He couldn't read what she was thinking, but he could read Casey's thoughts. She was confused and scared. She didn't know what was happening, whether Bella was being sincere or not.

"I'll fix that. I promise, just please don't leave." Casey begged. Bella headed for the door and Edward hopped out of the window, landing gracefully on the ground. "Forget it Casey. I'm leaving. I'll let you know when I get there dad." Bella ran down the stairs, "Bella, please wait. You can't leave. I-I just got you back Bells." Charlie was tearing up, and Bella faltered only slightly. "Yeah dad. And if I don't get out now, I'll end up stuck here. Just like mom." Charlie was at a loss for words and Bella turned and left the house, starting up her truck.

Casey put a hand on Charlie's shoulder, "She didn't mean it. She's just upset. I'll try my best to talk her out of it." Charlie nodded, trying to hide the tears that were slipping down his cheeks. Casey rushed outside and got into the volvo with Jasper. "Now what?" She asked breathlessly trying to buckle her seatbelt. "Now we get Bella somewhere safe." He answered simply. Casey nodded and gripped the armrest as Jasper pressed down on the gas pedal.

The car stopped in the garage and Casey got out with Jasper. The Cullens were frantically gathering things they would need in order to protect Bella. Isaac was still caught up on Casey though. Why couldn't James tell that she too, was a human? It didn't make any sense. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his name. "Isaac and I will drive Bella. We'll keep her safe, Edward." "No. We need Isaac with us. He can be a good distraction in case James spots us." Jasper spoke. Carlisle nodded in agreement. "Then Jasper and I," Alice said. Edward didn't look to excited about this idea, "Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" Alice nodded once and took the keys from Edward.

He pushed Bella into the backseat of the car and shut the door, leaning his head through the window he whispered to Bella. Casey stood back next to Rose. Carlisle tossed Rose and Esme shirts from Bella's bag and told them to put then on. "Why should I? What is she to me?" Carlisle looked at her sternly, "Rosalie, Bella is with Edward now. That make her family, and we protect our family." Rose rolled her eyes and reluctantly pulled the sweater over her head.

Isaac stood next to Casey, breathing in deeply and catching a strong whiff of Casey's intoxicating blood. He regretted that instantly and took a couple steps away. Edward and Jasper both snapped their gazes to Isaac and Jasper was at Casey's side in an instant. "What are you doing?" Jasper asked sharply. "I don't get it," Isaac said quietly to himself. The family looked at him quizzically, then realization crossed Edward's face. Alice leaned out the window, "Jasper we need to go." Jasper didn't move, his glare set on Isaac.

"Isaac, we don't have time for this right now. It only means that she'll be safe." Edward told him. Jasper was confused, and so was Casey. "James never even noticed Casey," Edward explained quickly. "He's trying to figure out how that's possible." Jasper hadn't even realized that. He just figured Bella's scent was stronger than Casey's.

"We need to go!" Alice called again. Jasper turned and pecked Casey on the lips. "Stay here at the house. Stay away from the doors and windows and don't even think about going outside." He told her quickly. Casey nodded and Jasper kissed her quickly one more time before joining Alice and Bella in the car. Alice sped out of the garage quickly, her maniac driving finally good for something.

The rest of the family hurried together, ready to run out the door. Esme pulled Casey into a hug, wrapping her arms around her tightly. "Be careful hunny. Do as Jasper said. We'll be back as soon as we can." Casey nodded and then they were gone.

Casey walked into the house and plopped down on the couch with a sigh. Her phone dinged and she pulled it from her pocket to see a text message.

Bella: I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I swear I didn't mean any of it.

Casey smiled in relief and typed back a reply.

Casey: it's okay, I understand. Be careful and come home safe, please.

Bella: we will
Bella: jasper says he loves you<3

Casey: tell him to text me himself. You aren't our messenger

Bella: alright. Alice said don't be mean

Casey: I would like to let you know that I just rolled my eyes.

Bella: thanks for letting me know
Bella: I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Night Case

Casey: night Bells

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