chapter eight

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The final bell rang and Casey walked out of history, alongside Jasper and Isaac. "Alice is waiting on me. Jasper, why don't you walk Casey to her locker and then meet us outside?" Isaac said. Then he walked off without waiting for an answer.

"Okay then," Casey mumbled. She gave Jasper a small smile, and he smiled back. The two walked towards her locker in a slightly awkward silence. When they reached the locker, Luke was leaning against it, looking bored out of his mind, while a girl with purple hair stood next to him putting her books away.

Jasper subtly rolled his eyes. "Hey. Luke, right? Um, you're in front of my locker," Casey said. He turned and looked at her, a grin on his face. "Hey, you're Casey," he said. She nodded. "Yeah, sorry about taking your seat this morning. I didn't really know," he said. "No, it- um, it's fine. I'm just going to stay in that seat, between Jasper and Emmett," I said. Luke nodded and looked at Jasper.

"Are you sure? Because I'll gladly take the seat next to you-" Luke started. The girl reached over and smacked Luke's arm. "Luke, she's not interested," she said. Luke rolled his eyes. "Hi, I'm Lucy," she said sticking her hand out towards Casey.

Casey smiled, "Nice to meet you," she said. "Hey, Casey. I think we should get going, Alice will have a fit," Jasper said. She nodded, "Oh yeah. Um, Luke? Could I get in my locker please?" She asked. Luke moved out of the way, bumping in to Lucy while doing so. "Hey, watch it!" Lucy said pushing Luke back. She dropped her books into her locker and shut it.

"Bye guys. See you Monday I guess," the twins nodded, waving at her and Jasper as they turned to go outside. "It seems that you don't like them very much," Casey said quietly, looking up at Jasper as we walked side-by-side. "Why do you say that?" He asked. She shrugged, "I don't know, it's just the way you stood and looked at them. I mean I could be completely wrong, but-"

"No. You're not wrong. I mean, I don't have a problem with Lucy, but I don't necessarily like Luke," Jasper said. "Oh. Is there any particular reason?" I asked. Jasper shook his head, "It's nothing," he said. "Okay," she mumbled.

They walked to Emmett's jeep, seeing the rest of the family -minus Edward- waiting for them. "What took you so long?" Alice asked. Isaac smirked at us, wiggling his eyebrows. "Did you do the frick frack?" Isaac asked. Rose rolled her eyes and smacked the back of Isaac's head.

Casey blushed and Jasper rolled his eyes and glared at Isaac. "There was a bit of an inconvenience with Casey's locker," Jasper said. "I wouldn't really call it an inconvenience," Casey said. "Just a short, awkward conversation" she said. Emmett cocked an eyebrow at her and chuckled. "Don't laugh at me, butthead," she joked. "Butthead? That's all you got shorty?" Emmett teased. "Hey! Butthead is a classic insult," Casey defended. "She has a good point," Isaac said siding with Casey.

"Well it doesn't matter, you're here now so let's get home," Alice cheered. Jasper took her bag out of her hands and put it in the backseat of the jeep. "After you ma'am," Jasper said holding the door open for me. "Thank you," she said quietly, her face turning red in the process. She climbed in to the backseat, sitting behind Isaac. Alice and Rosalie rode in Rosalie's red BMW.

The ride to the house wasn't short, but wasn't extremely long either. They pulled up a long driveway, and Emmett and Alice parked the cars in the garage. Jasper opened the door and climbed out, holding it open for Casey again.

She climbed out and looked at the house in awe. "Wow. This is your house? It's amazing!" I exclaimed. Jasper smiled as Alice giggled. "Come inside! Our parents want to meet you," Alice said. She froze, not really in to the whole meeting new people thing. "They do? Are you sure? What if they don't like me?" She panicked.

"Don't be ridiculous. They'll love you," Jasper said. He put a hand on her lower back, pushing her towards the front door. Alice followed happily, with Isaac right behind her. Jasper opened the front door, allowing Casey to walk in first. He was a real gentlemen, she noticed. "Thank you," she said quietly. He smiled in return.

"Come on!" Alice beamed coming in behind Casey and grabbing her hand, pulling her towards the stairs. She followed her up the stairs, and in to a kitchen. There was a beautiful woman standing at the counter, cooking some delicious smelling food.

"Hello, you must be Casey. I'm Esme, it's great to finally meet you," she said. She wiped her hands on a towel and stuck her hand out for Casey to shake. "It's nice to meet you too," she said. "I hope your hungry, I'm making steak for dinner," she smiled. "That sounds wonderful," Casey smiled.

"Come on Casey, I want to show you my room," Alice said. She pulled Casey up more stairs and into her bedroom. It was rather large, and there was a queen size bed taking up the center of the room. There was a large walk-in closet as well. "Wow, your room is awesome. A lot bigger than mine," Casey praised. "Thank you. I decorated it myself," she said.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why did you and your brother move here?" Alice asked. "Oh, um, well my mom died a few years ago, so Michael and I had to move in with my dad and his girlfriend. Then when they got married, they decided that they were going to honeymoon around the world so Michael offered to take care of me until I turn 18. I told him I wanted to move somewhere small, so he found Forks. And that's pretty much it," Casey explained.

She smiled, "Well, I'm glad you moved. And I know someone else who is happy about it too," she said vaguely. "Who?" She asked confused. "I'm not saying any names, but it's one of my brothers. But it's not Emmett, Edward, or Isaac," she said with a teasing smile.

So it's not Emmett, Edward, or Isaac. That only leaves Jasper. Wait a minute, that only leaves Jasper. 'Why is Jasper happy that I moved here?' She thought.

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