Day off

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It was hard getting out of my prison but I did. I escaped from her armpit and lay at the bottom of the bed. It didn't take me long to go back asleep as I was exhausted from today's activities. Morning time. I felt Bria began to stir, so I sat up in my proper position. She opened her eyes and smiled to see me like this. "I'm still tired slave. So to start off give me a back and shoulder massage." Bria said politely. This was easy and almost enjoyable. After about an hour of this she got restless. "I need a shit but I refuse to move. Slave come sit under me so you can be awarded with food and drink from your humble goddess." She smiled. I crawled over to her and sat under her ass. She readjusted herself and her ass hole was consumed in my mouth. She began farting first, they were deathly but nothing to prepare me for what was to come. She took a giant shit in my mouth. But then turned around and sat on my stomach, so that she could watch me eat it. I did and she enjoyed the show. She then sat back in her original position. She began pissing. When she was finished everything I was told to lick it all up. "Oo I'm glad that's done I feel so much better. My slave go into the kitchen and wait for me." She comanded. I did as she said like always. Then Bria soon followed. She stood on my legs so she could reach into the top cubards. This hurt like hell as she was much heavier than me. It was only cereal she got. We then walked into the dining room, where I sat under her. She soon got up again and went to the living room, and as always I followed.

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