The Black Ninja

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Your POV

"Have you found anything?" Cole asks you. The two of you have been searching the hidden room the past few minutes. The room is full of Damien's secrets, but so little of it can be understood without context.

"Lots of mentions of someone named Alessandra," you answer, not looking up from the book you're looking at.

"Isn't that your middle name?" Cole asks.

"It is. Why do you ask?" Why does that matter?

"About all we really know is that Damien needed you for some reason. Maybe he's referring to you?" Cole explains.

"Well, I don't remember having myths written about me. Wait-" you start and cut yourself off, realizing something. "Alessandra is a name passed down in my family. Assuming this has anything to do with me, I don't think this Alessandra is me, but could be related to me."

"Do you have any living relatives named Alessandra?" Cole asks.

"It's just me and my aunt, Jessica Faith Starr," you say.

"Is your aunt on the side of the family with the Alessandras?" Cole asks. "Maybe she'll know something."

"Yep, my mother's sister." You laugh dryly. "Maybe she'll finally tell me something about my parents."

"Wait, she never told you anything about your parents? Your entire life?" Cole asks, concerned.

"Never did. She never answered my questions. I got in trouble once for going through her genealogy book, trying to learn more. That's how I know Alessandra's a common name in my family," you tell Cole with resent. "I don't even know my parents' names, only that my father's last name was [L/N] and my mother's maiden name was Starr. Or maybe she never took my father's name, or hyphenated to Starr-[L/N]. All I know is that I have my father's last name. You see why I don't like being with my aunt?"

"Yeah, I do. And I'm sorry that happened," Cole says before the two of you return to searching in silence. A moment later though, Cole comes to you to show you some papers he found. "You need to look at this."

You take the papers from him and look at the family tree on it. A yellow highlighter was drawn on the tree, creating a line through several of the names listed. Alessandra Ansel...Kia Alessandra Phoenix...Alessia Hope Everett...Andra Alina Griffin...Serenity Alessandra Valere...Alessandra Marvel Valere...Kendra Alexandra Sage...Brielle Alessia Alala...Alessandra Mercy Keres...Nova Aless Ward...Amidala Aless Hunter...Evangeline Alessandra Starr...[Y/N] Alessandra [L/N]. "This...this is my family," you say, barely audible. Your mother was Evangeline Alessandra Starr. She was the oldest of three, her younger siblings being Sandra Meek Starr and Jessica Faith Starr. An asterisk is next to Aunt Jessica's name. You check the key to see that it means she was adopted. You look at your father's name. Emmanuel Amadeus [L/N]. "Why...what does Damien want with my family?"

"What were you reading about the Alessandras before?" Cole asks.

"One of them, Alessandra Ansel, I guess there's a legend about someone with the same name? In the legend, Alessandra had some talisman that had some power she used to protect her village. Does Damien think I have some connection with this talisman?"

"Maybe...but that must've been, what, three hundred or so years ago?" Cole looks around the room. "There must be more, he wouldn't have kidnapped you if he didn't know more. He's been so particular about everything else."

You nod and pick up the book you were looking at before and start flipping pages. "There's Kia...Alessia...Andra...Serenity...Alessandra...Kendra...Brielle...Alessandra...Nova...Amidala...and Evangeline. There's stories about all of them in this book." You skim through the story of Evangeline, your mother. "My mother had the talisman too?"

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