The Nindroid

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Your POV

You wake up, realizing you've lost track of how long it's been since you were in that tiny square cell. You have no idea how long you were in that cell either, and your notebook was still there; there was not enough time for you to get it when the Ninja broke you out. You shudder, wondering if you'd ever make it home.

For the first time, you wake up before the Ninja leave. As you grew more comfortable, you woke up earlier, but there was always only one Ninja. They woke up at the crack of dawn or however you'd phrase it in this realm, ate, and left to find Damien or a way back to Ninjago or whatever.

You sit up and rub your eyes. You pull you knees close to you as you sit on the cot. Zane sees you're awake first and hands you some breakfast with a smile. "Good morning, y/n."

"Good morning," you say quietly. You still are amazed that you've been living with your heroes, the Ninja, for the past week(s), and still blush and whatnot when you converse with them.

"Hey, y/n. We're gonna check this one place out. Zane's gonna stay with you, 'kay. Seeya later t'night," Jay says.

You give him and the other leaving Ninja a small smile. "Seeya," you say. The Ninja run out of the cave and off to who knows where. You turn to Zane and smile. "How are you?"

"Decent. You?" Zane responds.

You shrug. "I don't really know. I think I'm doing better though. I've had less panic attacks in the last few days." You shudder, thinking about the panic and anxiety attacks you've had since the Ninja rescued you. You've had psychological disorders like PTSD, anxiety, and depression since Roy happened.

"That's okay," Zane says. "You don't have to be fine right now. You probably shouldn't be fine. You've gone through a lot in a short amount of time."

You've had people try to help you with your emotional problems before, but no one seems to get the emotions at stake. You have all of these feelings, and a lot of it is irrational, and you know that, but you can't escape them. It feels like you're drowning, but you can see everyone around you breathing. You feel like no one gets it; everyone thinks it's "just in your head." Or they tell you "it'll be okay." How do they know it will work out in the end? It might always be this bad. You might never escape these feelings of anxiety and self-hate. It gets so tiring to hear people say that, so when someone doesn't say that and says it's okay to feel what you feel, it throws you off.

Zane gives you a wan smile. "Your brain is an organ, just like your heart and lungs. You can have mental problems just like you can have heart and lung problems. Treat it and you'll be okay."

"You have asthma, people recognize it and give you an inhaler. You have heart problems, it's recognized and you don't have to do as much cardiovascular work. You have psychological disorders, and everyone thinks it's fake. They think you're trying to get attention. They expect you to do the same as everyone else," you say.

Zane shrugs. "I don't know why. What I do know is that you can do whatever anyone wants you to do. No one realizes how much effort it takes for you to live your life. But if they knew, they'd be scared. They can barely do it, but you have a valid excuse to not, yet you do it anyway."

You smile I little bit. Finally, someone understood you! You never thought that would happen. "Hey, can you play music?"

"I have access to that ability."

"O-O-H Child. Five Stairsteps. Please?"

Zane nods and plays one of your comfort songs. You slowly start to drown out your sorrows as you listen to the music.

Sorry for how late this is. This is dedicated to everyone with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and every other psychological disorder. Y'all know I'm struggling right now, and 1 in 4 adults struggle with it. It's a big deal. The song is my comfort song, and y'all should listen to it. And it's the song Star-Lord dances to when he challenges Ronan to a dance off in Guardians of the Galaxy, so that's a plus too.
I'll try to publish on time this week. Love y'all, have a nice day. Please vote and comment.
💓 Michelle

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