The Attack

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Your POV

“[Y/N], time to wake up,” Lloyd says tenderly as he lightly shakes your shoulder. You groan and pull yourself into a sitting position, leaning against the metal walls of the ventilation shaft. “We have about ten minutes until the security system reboots,” Lloyd tells you as you rub your eyes.

“Okay, what’s the plan?” you ask, trying to mask your fear.

“We will have exactly sixty seconds undetected. We get into his quarters, and I will start opening the hidden compartment. The computers say that there is a series of locks, and it may take some time to break through them. It would be unrealistic to assume that we can go in and out in those sixty seconds. After sixty seconds, the alarms will go back online. We can expect Damien and his troops to apprehend us. You will have to fight them long enough for me to recover a realm courier. Once I have a courier, we can escape to Ninjago,” Zane explains.

Everyone nods and gets ready. In the last fifteen seconds, Cole slides the grate off of the exit. You take a few final deep breaths, knowing that you’ll have to fight and will have to confront Damien. 

“Three, two one.” Zane runs through the opening in the grate, closely followed by everyone else. Zane runs to a cabinet next to Damien’s bed and runs his hands along one of the sides. Within a few seconds, he rips the faux wood off of the side to show a steel door with multiple locks. A saw comes out of a panel in Zane’s arm and starts cutting at the locks. You and the rest of the Ninja got into battle stances surrounding Zane, as ready as you’ll ever be for all heck to break loose.

You look behind your shoulder to see that half of the locks have been cut away. “How much time do we have left?”

“Five, four, three, two, one!” Zane answers. Red lights start flashing and a loud, blaring sound is shooting out of speakers. You try to keep your breathing steady, knowing who the first person to respond to the threat would be.

A blue portal appears seconds later in front of you and the Ninja, and Damien comes through. “Just as I expected. You brought [Y/N] right to me. Though I didn’t expect you to leave her out in the open.” He turns to you. “Are your precious heroes not as concerned for you as you thought?” He laughs softly as your fearless facade begins to crumble. “I see you’ve learned about my realm couriers. But did you really think you’d go unnoticed?”

“Of course not. Risks are essential to our occupation,” Cole says abrasively. 

“Your nindroid’s systems need to be calibrated if you think this is a calculated risk. Of course, I am grateful for you for returning [Y/N] to me. If you leave now, if you stop trying to fight me, if you leave [Y/N], we can have peace.”

“We value freedom over peace, but we will allow your surrender,” Lloyd responds.

“Very well, you will have to die.” Right then, several troops file into the room, weapons in hand. You once again look to see Zane’s progress. He is so close. Just another minute or two, and you’ll be back in Ninjago. 

One second, you are standing next to Jay, and the next, you aren’t. 

Damien’s first action was to make a portal under your feet. You land somewhere you have not seen. It isn’t a cell like you were kept in before, or any of the rooms you saw on the way to Damien’s quarters. The floor is obsidian and the walls are painted chartreuse. There isn’t a door on any of the four walls. Unless the door is hidden, the only way in and out are portals. 

No, no, no! Your thoughts start spiralling out of control. You’re trapped, again. And the only one that knows where you are and can get into the room is Damien. 

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