The Cave

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Lloyd’s POV

I hold y/n with one arm while lightly touching the reins of my dragon. I have no idea where we are going. Zane is leading the way, and I trust that the nindroid to take us somewhere safe.

Yeah, us Ninja are not smart. We came to this realm and found y/n almost immediately, broke her out, but have no way to get back to Ninjago. We are above the dark clouds, following Zane. We've been soaring through the black sky for fifteen minutes now. Given our dragons’ great speed, we've covered a lot of distance.

Y/n readjusts her hold on me, pushing herself closer to me. I hold her tighter. Her small, slender body was still trembling from both emotion and the cold. I had given her a jacket from the bag of supplies I stole from Damien's facility, but she is still as cold as ice. She is hugging me for both my body heat and because of the intense emotions she is feeling I can only partly understand.

Throughout my life I've been captured a few times, Skales, Pythor, the Overlord, Chen all had captured me before. I at least knew how to protect myself and knew why they wanted me. I also chose this life. I chose to be a cringey, “evil” kid. I chose to help the Ninja defeat the serpentine. I chose to become the Green Ninja, which resulted in becoming the Golden Ninja. I chose to go to Chen’s island, and I chose to try to stop Chen with the help of just Nya and my dad. Y/n, on the other hand, never chose to watch the love of her life be murdered, and never chose to be tossed into this crazy life. I chose my life, but y/n didn't choose hers.

“Down here!” Zane shouts. He dives through the clouds, with Jay, Cole, and Kai following.

Y/n tightens her grip on my chest, making her knuckles go white. “I've got you, it'll be alright,” I say to encourage her. “” At one I dive after the other Ninja, and y/n holds on as tight as she can, almost too tight.

We aren't too far from the ground. Usually I would've jumped off here, without landing, but I choose to land. When she's sure we aren't flying anymore, y/n pokes her face away from my clothes and looks around. We're just outside a large cave system. Y/n uses her sleeve to wipe stray tears and I slowly help her reach the solid ground. Once our feet are on the ground, my dragon dissipates into nothingness.

Y/n is still clinging to me, so I once again wrap my arm around her thin waist and help her inside the caves. In the entrance, Zane is standing. He leans against the rock wall casually, well, as casually as you can be given the situation. He is looking across the horizon for any threats. We have no idea what could be out there. Damien, monsters, or worse.

“Left, right, right, left, straight,” Zane directs me. “I'm scanning the area for threats, and it's easier out here.”

“Fair enough,” I say. “L, R, R, L, S?”

“Yes,” he confirms. He looks at y/n in concern. “Y/n, we'll protect you from Damien. We won't let him touch you again.”

Y/n manages to produce a small smile and thanks Zane. I pat Zane on the shoulder and lead y/n into the caves, still pulling her slender body close to mine. I take the left turn, the right, the right, the left, and the straight.

The area we're staying in leads to a dead end so that nothing can ambush us. But there is a small opening, big enough for y/n and maybe someone else. It is really deep, and goes on for a mile in darkness. If bad goes to worse, y/n and one other person can slip into the fissure and hide for a while.

I don't know why, but if bad went to worse, I kind of want to be the one to go with y/n. Not that I'm a coward or anything, but I know that y/n would need someone with her then, and I kind of want to be the one to be with her if she is there, trapped in those tight spaces, right next to her.

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