The Deal

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Cole’s POV

Zane leads the way through the vents to Damien’s quarters so that we can obtain some realm couriers and get off this darky, gloomy world. [Y/N] follows closely behind Zane, and is followed by Lloyd, Kai, Jay, and me. I find that I keep looking over at [Y/N], which makes me feel bad. Zane just lost PIXAL, I shouldn’t be thinking about how much I like [Y/N], I should be thinking about how I can help Zane. Well, scratch that, I shouldn’t be doing that either. I should be focusing on the plan to get us out of here, then I can think about Zane and [Y/N]. 

After a few minutes, I notice I’m not the only one struggling to think about the plan. Jay is doing the same thing it looks like. Gosh, why is it that we keep being attracted to the same people? “You like her too,” I mutter, only loud enough for Jay to hear. 

“Yeah, I do. What, too? Oh, heck, not again,” Jay responds. “I thought you might, but I was hoping that I was wrong.”

“Yeah, same here. Listen, I’m really sorry about this.”

“Me too. But, I guess we can’t control who we are attracted to. You don’t know if the others like her too, do you?”

I shake my head. “I wouldn’t be surprised though.”

“Darn. Last time this happened, we had a grudge for such a long time, and it got everyone in danger, and it was really bad on Nya,” Jay adds worriedly. “What’s gonna happen if everyone likes her?” 

“I dunno. I also feel bad because it wasn’t long ago that Roy died. It doesn’t feel right to have a crush on her.” I sigh. “But we really shouldn’t be focusing on that right now.”

“Yeah, we can’t get us all killed because of romantic feelings, not when [Y/N] is in danger. Especially now that we’re one hundred percent going to be attacked soon. Should we talk to the others about it?”

I pause to think. “Yes, as long as it’s quiet. I, for one, am not ready to confess my feelings to [Y/N] yet. And [Y/N] might not be ready to deal with a massive love triangle yet.” 

“It wouldn’t be a triangle, but, yeah, we shouldn’t push that on her yet, and if you aren’t ready to confess, then you really shouldn’t.” Jay looks ahead just in time to see that we’re stopping. We must be above Damien’s quarters. Everyone gets closer together. 

“Is this his quarters?” Lloyd asks Zane.

“Yes, and he is in another room reserved for meditation now,” Zane answers. He hides his pain very well, though we all know he is feeling it. 

“How far away–that doesn’t matter if Damien can make portals. Never mind,” Kai says. 

“Where are the couriers?” [Y/N] asks. I look at her to see that her skin is pale. Oh, gosh, she’s probably so nervous right now.

“They are in a hidden compartment, on the side of the closet. I can get to them, if everyone covers me," Zane answers.

"That we can do," Lloyd responds. 

"Great, let's go!" Jay says.

"Not yet!" Zane replies. "In half an hour, the security systems will be rebooted, giving us a minute without the alarms."

"So if we wait 'til then, then we'll have a headstart over Damien," [Y/N] reasons. “Zane, you’re a genius!”

“Just doing my job.”

“Okay, so is there anything we can do that’s productive while we wait?” Lloyd asks.

“Not really. Sleep, maybe? You only got twenty minutes of sleep tonight,” Zane says. 

“I’ll keep watch,” Jay says. 


Lloyd’s POV

What are they up to? I have known the Ninja long enough that we can communicate nonverbally pretty well, and Cole and Jay were pretty obvious when they wanted to talk with the team. But not [Y/N]. What could they be hiding from her? If it’s really this important, she should know too. 

I glance at [Y/N]. She’s asleep. The rest of us had laid down, with no intention of sleeping. “Okay, what’s going on, you two?”

“We just want to double check something,” Cole starts.

“You do all like [Y/N], right? Romantically, that is?” Jay finishes.

Kai groans. “This is what you want to talk about?”

“Hey, the two of us do, and we just think we should have a brief talk about this. We already did, but it looks a lot like all of us like her,” Cole answers defensively.

“Look, Cole and I already have almost destroyed our friendship over Nya. We don’t want the team to be destroyed over [Y/N], especially not now,” Jay adds.

Zane sighs. “Yes, I do,” he answers quietly.

I sigh. “Same here.”

“Looks like all of us have the same type,” Kai adds, confirming his romantic interest. 

“Just since I’ve been through this already, I kinda want to say what I wish happened differently,” Cole starts. “Obviously, Jay and I held a grudge for a long time, and that almost destroyed our friendship. But it was also harmful to Nya and you guys. We shouldn’t have ever pushed that onto Nya, and we endangered the whole team several times. What I’m getting at is that we need to be mature about this. Just because we like the same person means we need to constantly compete with each other and pull each other down. We shouldn’t drop this on [Y/N] either, not with everything she’s been through since we met her. And, we can’t let this get out of control, because [Y/N]’s life, our lives, and maybe all of Ninjago is at stake now.”

“Agreed. Too much is at risk for us to fall apart,” Zane concludes. 

“And this goes past now. When all of this is over, when we stop Damien, we still have to have each other’s backs. Who knows when something will come up? At any moment, something like this could happen again. We have to always be strong and ready to fight,” Kai adds.

“Whatever happens with [Y/N], if any of us end up in a relationship with her, we are still a team. I’m being honest when I say that I’ll be happy for [Y/N] and any of you if anything does happen,” Lloyd says. 

“We just wanted to get that cleared up before anything happened,” Jay explains. “Thanks for not being jerks.”

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