The Past

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Your POV, 6 Months Ago

You looked at the man in front of you. He was tall and handsome. His messy black hair covered part of his face. You giggled.

"What is it, [Y/N]?" Roy asked.

"You need a haircut, silly!" you said as you brushed his hair out of his face. You pulled his head in for a kiss. He kissed you back.

"What did I ever do to deserve you [Y/N]?" he asked.

"Oh, I dunno. You stopped that mugger from taking my bag in Jumanikai Village, I seem to remember," you said.

"Oh, yes! I remember! I remember being disappointed. My girlfriend had just broken up with me. I was upset, when I heard a yell and saw a dude being chased by the most gorgeous girl ever. The dude had taken this girl's satchel. So I ran off to help her." He kissed you again. "It was worth it."

"I'm glad to hear I'm worth it," you said with a smile. You continue to walk down the street of New Ninjago City, fingers entangled in his. "C'mon!" you said, dragging him to your favorite part of the city.

You walked through the gate and slowed down. You went to the statue of one of Ninjago's heroes. Zane, the White Ninja, Master of Ice. Titanium Ninja, as Cyrus Borg called him. This was his memorial.

Of course, he wasn't dead. Not anymore. Though, you supposed he wasn't alive, since he was a nindroid.

You enjoyed this area because it was peaceful and reminded you what the Ninja had done for you and Ninjago.

You and Roy sat down next to the statue of Zane. Your boyfriend pulled out a brown paper sack. "Look at what I got?"

"Puffy potstickers!" you shouted with joy. They were your favorite.

"You know it!" he said with a smile as he handed you some chopsticks and a box of potstickers, as well as throwing you a fortune cookie.

The two of you are your potstickers in peace. When you had finished, you lifted your fortune cookie. "Let's read our fortunes!" you said. You broke your cookie in half and took out the little slip of paper. "You first!" you said without even looking at your fortune.

Roy looked at his slip of paper and read in a mock theatrical voice, "Sunshine is a joy that you must enjoy."

"That's not even a fortune!" you said giggling.

"I know, right! What does yours say?" he said as he set his fortune down underneath a chopstick, with the small typed blue lettering on top.

You looked down at your fortune. It's written in sloppy red handwriting, which was weird. The fortune it told was weirder. "We found you, [Y/N] [L/N]. No more hiding! You're coming with us," you say with a look of concern.

Roy suddenly got up. "I heard a stick snap."

Oh frick you thought. You had no idea what was going on. Suddenly you and your boyfriend were surrounded by men in black masks. They all had blades. "[Y/N] [L/N]! You're coming with us!" one of them said.

"No she's not," Roy shouted. "Stay back!"

"You got yourself a lover! Wow, this'll be splendid!" another man shouted. "You stay back if you wanna live, lover boy!"

You were terrified. What did these guys want with you? Roy was pissed. You had never seen him so angry. Suddenly he launched himself at the closest attacker. The man seemed surprised but easily dodged the attack. Another man punched Roy in the face while the man he attacked kicked his knees. A third man showed up with a knife. You watched in horror as the man you loved was stabbed in front of you and was deposited in the ground next to you.

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