The Journey

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Your POV

You stumble across the rocks as you climb across the hilly terrain between the cave and Damien. Before you can fall down, Cole steadies you. "You good?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you say, climbing further. Cole nods and cautiously climbs as well. "Remind me again why we're walking?"

"We can't let Damien know we're coming to him," Zane says. "We flew as far as we can. His base is only a few miles away."

"A few very perilous miles away," Lloyd points out.

"Better than getting shot out of the sky," Kai reasons.

You hoist yourself on top of the hill with the help of Jay. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it!" he says enthusiastically. You smile, amazed by how Jay is always cheerful.

You look across the valley. "Considering this realm is a bunch of shiz, the view isn't too bad," you say jokingly.

Zane points across the small valley. "You see that building?"


"That's where Damien is," Cole says. "Well, where he kept you. Let's hope he's still there."

"I'm picking up heat signatures from that side of the valley," Zane informs.

"Then that's where he is," Kai says.

You take in a shaky breath. "How long until we get there?"

"I estimate that we'll be there before nightfall," Zane says.

"Good. I don't want us out here at night," Lloyd says. "It's bad enough during the day." You shudder, recalling what the Ninja had told you about the life forms of this realm.

Jay gives you a comforting smile. "Let's go get this over with, shall we?"


Cole's POV

I aid y/n in going into the valley. The valley has enough cover that a watchman on Damien's prison would have to know we are here to be able to find us. The hills are very rocky, and very easy to stumble across, as y/n is.

Occasionally, y/n will look at Damien's base worriedly, horror in her eyes. She'd quickly look away and continue moving. Her muscles strain as she makes her way down.

"If you need it, we can stop for a bit," I suggest.

"No, no, we need to keep moving," y/n says tiredly.

"Y/n, we have plenty of time, we can have a break," Lloyd says.

"If I stop now, I don't think I'll have the courage to keep going." Her voice shakes as she glances at our destination. "Besides, it's not too bad."

Jay smiles at her. "Well, you must be a better hiker than I am." Y/n rolls her eyes and smiles back.

"Once we reach the valley, the way will be easy, at least until he have to go uphill again," Zane tells us. Looking over the route we designated, I conclude that Zane is correct.

"We'll make it there in no time," Kai says.

Our group falls silent. I use this time to ponder. I really like y/n, but I have no idea what y/n feels of me. I don't know what y/n's feelings are, but I'm starting to guess what some other people's feelings are...

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