The Girl

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Zane's POV

They were all back on the Destiny's Bounty. Except for y/n. The ninja had failed y/n in letting Damien Malcom abduct her.

They had almost finished telling Sensei Wu, Misako, and Nya what had happened.

"So Damien is holding y/n, and the window behind him is broken so he steps off with her. Before I can even freak out, a blue portal appears beneath him and they go through it," Cole finishes.

"A blue portal?" Nya says in surprise.

"Just like the portal to the Cursed Realm," Lloyd adds.

"The Cursed Realm?" Sensei asks.

"Yeah. Misako, is it possible to open a portal to the Cursed Realm without the spell in Clous's spellbook?" Jay asks.

"Well, it's possible, but both possibilities are quite unlikely," Misako answers.

"What are the possibilities?" I ask.

"Well, the Realm Crystal probably isn't real?"

A/N takes place in between the Tournament of Elements and Lloyd's possession FYI

"Realm Cry-" Lloyd starts.

"It doesn't matter. Out of all of the crazy crap in Ninjago, it probably is just a myth," Misako says. "But, when Chen was trying to take everyone's elements, he didn't take everyone."

"What do you mean?" Kai asks.

"There are a few other elements Chen never looked for," Sensei says.

"Other elements?" I ask. This is getting too crazy for me, a nindroid.

"And Damien might be the master of realms," Misako explains.

"Master of realms? Can this guy just go in and out of the Cursed Realm when he wants to?" Cole asks.

"There are more realms than Ninjago and the Cursed Realm, Cole," Sensei says.

"Just how many realms are there?" Nya asks.

"Sixteen," Sensei responds.

"So Damien abducted y/n and took her to one of fifteen realms and we don't know which one he's in and how the heck to get to that realm!" Jay rants. "Do we even have an idea of how to get to wherever y/n is and save her? And heck we don't even know why Damien wants her, we just know he tried to kidnap her six months ago, is a killer, and will try to kill us!"

"Are you done?" Nya asks.

Jay sighs. "Yes."

"Now that you finished that, we can actually figure out what to do," Nya says.

"I'm scanning all traffic cams in Ninjago, looking for Damien or anyone working with him," I say. I started it while Jay was doing his usual rant when something crazy happened. So far nothing out of the normal.

"Zane, I'm processing all databases looking for any information on this realm travel," PIXAL says.

"Thank you, PIXAL," I tell her.

I hope we find y/n fast. If Damien hurts her, I doubt he can escape us.


Your POV

You slowly wake up after several hours. When you open your eyes your vision is blurry. All you see is a lot of shades of grey and black. Where the heck are you?

You try to remember what happened. The guy who killed Roy, Damien Malcom, had been in your house. The Ninja had come to kick butt, or you assumed. Before you saw the actual fight Damien knocked you out.

Did that mean that Damien had successfully abducted you?

You stand up, but fall back down on the small cot you had slept on. Your vision began to darken. You thought you'd pass out again, but you don't.

You get up more slowly this time. Your vision darkens for less than a second, but clears up and is even less blurry than before.

You look around. There are grey walls surrounding you with a big black door leading outside. You figure it wouldn't work, but you try the door. It doesn't budge an inch. You look back at your cell. There's the cot you slept on, a small desk, and another black door. You try this door, and it opens up for you to see a bathroom.

There's not much to do, so you don't down on your bed with your back leaning against the cold wall. You are super bored. You have a bed, a table, and a bathroom. That's it.

You close your eyes. It helps you think. With your head resting against the wall, you try to come up with any reason why Damien would want you. The problem is that in Ninjago enough crazy things happen that it is impossible to narrow it down to a simple coherent reason. And half of your ideas are probably too unrealistic, like something you'd find in a movie or TV show.

After an hour you hear a click come from the door. You hear someone unlock the door. You stand up as three men walk into the room.

Damien enters the room with two bodyguards. You can't help but clench your fists in anger at the sight of Damien. This man killed the love of your life. Now he had kidnapped you.

"What the heck do you want?!" you shout.

"You'll find out in due time, y/n. But for now, I think I wanna keep it a surprise," Damien says. You hate villains. Always so annoying. "For now, you'll be staying here, my darling." At that Damien left the room and locked the door behind him.

Well, this is great, you think. You lie down on the cot and look at the ceiling. This is splendid.

You pray/hope (choose which word works best for you) that the Ninja will find you and kick Damien's butt.

After thirty minutes you're bored again. Do something, y/n!

You pull open a drawer of the desk. Inside it are clothes, pens, pencils, and a notebook. You grab the notebook. It's y/f/c and comes with a bookmark. You flip through the pages and it's blank.

You sit down at the desk and grab some pens and pencils. At least this will keep you occupied. You begin to sketch each of the Ninja. It gives you hope that they'll come since you can see them. You begin with Zane. It's interesting, drawing all of the components of the nindroid. You make every line perfect. You move onto Kai, Jay, Cole and Lloyd. Never have you worked so hard on your sketches. But it distracted you that's what mattered, not the attractiveness of the people you drew.


Zane's POV

"Zane! Traffic cam, southern Ninjago City! Damien is there!" PIXAL shouts.

I turn to the rest of the team. "PIXAL found Damien on the streets in southern Ninjago City!"

"Suit up!" Lloyd says. We all run to get ready. In precisely 30.537 seconds we are ready and jumping into the air to summon our dragons.

We better find out where y/n is. We better.

Sorry that this was a day late, there was a death in the family.
•when PIXAL is talking to Zane, it reminds me of Felicity talking to Oliver (the Arrow)
•when Lloyd tells everyone to suit up, it is referring to when Steve Rogers told the Avengers to suit up.
Yeah, I know, only two references. Crazy. Please vote and comment. Also, thank you y'all that have already done so!

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