The Stress

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Jay's POV

I wake up bright and early...well, not so bright, but definitely early. It's slightly less dark than it was before. The fire is out, only a pile of ashes now.

Everyone else is starting to get up. I yawn as I I trip over a rock. Predictable. It's normal for me; the ground just wanted to give me a hug. I get up off the ground and brush my clothes off. I watch as Kai starts a fire for Zane to use to cook breakfast.

Everyone is up but y/n. I don't blame her. I personally think I'd be doing the same thing if I was in her shoes. She was exhausted last night; it is probably really good for to be resting right now.

The team gathers around the fire. "Okay, we need to come up with a plan ASAP," Lloyd says. Everyone agrees. I usually am good at pulling a Star Wars: The Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker and improvise my plans as I go, but this is bigger than usual. We need a solid plan to (a) get back to Ninjago; (b) keep y/n safe; (c) answer some questions about the scenario; and (d) stop Damien.

"We need to find a way outta here," I say. "If we can get back to Ninjago, we can get help from Nya, Sensei, Misako, and our other allies to protect y/n. We can find a way to stop Damien with their help."

"I've calculated the possibilities of defeating Damien if we had help from another elemental master, and the odds of success go up with three others," Zane informs.

"Okay, we wanna play on the home turf. Any idea on how to get back? " Kai says.

"Your dad lived here for a while, right Lloyd? How did him and Sensei get back to Ninjago?" Cole asks.

"Dad told me about a volcano-like mountain with a huge portal in its crater instead of lava, ash, and smoke. That's how they got back to Ninjago," Lloyd explains.

"I can look for that," Zane declares.

"Okay, so we're looking for the portal volcano," Cole concludes. "One more thing: I don't think we should just take y/n with us everywhere. We should alternate between who stays with her."

"Yeah!" I say. It's a great idea. "The rest of you go on today. I'll stay with y/n."

"You sure?" Kai asks.

"Yeah, bro, I am."


Your POV

You begin to stir. The cot is comfortable, and eventually you had gotten sleep last night after you had a conversation with Cole. He must've brought you back when it was his turn to surrender to the will of a tired body. You lay awake on the cot, not wanting to open your eyes. Life was a lot simpler when you slept, and you need some simplicity right now. You roll over onto your side, pulling the blanket closer to you. You sigh, keeping your eyes shut. Just five more minutes, please!

After a few moments, you give up on those five minutes and open your eyes. It's the same dark cave from earlier, but with a little more light from a fire in the center of the circle of cots.

You sit up on the cot, wrapping the cozy blanket around your slender body, shivering a little bit. You look around to see only one of the five Ninja is there.

"Hey, uh, y/n! Um, you good?" Jay asks while he sits on his own cot, which is next to yours.

"Um, considering the situation, I think I'm doing pretty good. Thanks for asking," you answer. "Where's everyone else?"

"Uh, they're tryna find away off this realm right now. But we didn't want to wake you up and make you go to the ends of the earth right now, so I stayed behind to, y'know, keep you safe," Jay explained.

You now and shudder from the cold. "Okay. Any idea how long they'll be?"

"If they aren't here by dark, er, night, then we got a problem. But they'll probably get back here just fine, maybe even with useful info," Jay answers.

You nod to yourself, still shivering. Jay looks at you in concern. He stands up and grabs the blue blanket on his cot. He walks over and drapes it over your shoulders, covering you f/c blanket and you in warmth. "You looked cold."

"Well, I kinda am."

Jay takes a seat next to you on your cot and wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. You feel his warm body heat and lean against it, taking it all in.

"Thanks," you tell him with a smile.

"Hey, I'm here to protect you. Might not be fighting the powers that be that threw you in this mess, though I will do that later, but I still have to help you feel comfortable, sort any emotions, whatever," Jay says.

You smile and chuckle a bit. "Well, thank you, Jay."

Jay smiles back. "No problem. Hungry?"

"Oh please, I need food. I have no idea how much I ate recently. I lost track of time. I have no idea how long it's been since, y'know, Damien took me," you say quickly.

"In Ninjago, like, four hours, maybe? I have no idea about this realm ," Jay says as he hands you some breakfast.

"Only four hours! Damien said time was different, but dang!" you say in surprise.

"Yeah, at least no one is overly worried yet. It hasn't been long enough for them to worry yet," Jay says. You raise an eyebrow. "What?! If there's anything I learned from Chen's Tournament of Elements is that the most powerful power is the power of positivity! It beats love and unity and all that fun stuff."

You laugh, surprised to hear it. You had forgotten what your laugh sounds like. Jay is smiling like a little kid on Christmas Day. That makes you laugh even more.

You spend the rest of the day talking to Jay. He talks a lot, but it helps distract you from *cough cough* Damien. Besides, he's really funny and gives you time to speak too. The rest of the Ninja return about an hour before night. Not anything new, but you feel safer knowing about their safety and having them in the same room as you. That night, you fall asleep in Jay's lap.

Hey, I know, this is late. I suck, I know. I've kinda had an emotional rollercoaster since Thursday, so I came to a stand still. I'm getting better, but I still feel like crying a lot right now, so yay! I'll try to do better. Love y'all.

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