The Fire

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Your POV

You take a long drink of water. You've been training with Kai for the last few hours.

"You're getting really good, y/n," Kai says. "Just as good as I was when I first became a ninja and we fought skeletons from the Underworld."

You blush a little. You don't think you're that good. "Except you could do Spinjitzu."

"Actually, we kinda learned that on the fly," Kai explains. "We had just found the Golden Scythe, and skeletons were fighting us, so we fought them and BOOM we learned Spinjitzu."

"You have got to be lying," you say in unbelief.

"I'm not! Seriously, ask Jay. He figured it out first," Kai says. "Sensei had told us that when we found the key we'd unlock Spinjitzu or whatever, and we did!"

You smile. "Okay then, I guess I'll learn that someday."

"If you want. I know plenty of amazing fighters who don't know it. Most of the elemental masters don't."

"Yeah, but Spinjitzu is pretty awesome!"

"Guess I can't argue with that." Kai smiled too. When he did, your heart skipped a beat. "The heck?" you ask yourself in your head. "Why is my heart racing? He just smiled at me...oh my gosh he smiled at me!" You don't know why, but him smiling at you makes you happy. And it isn't a smile to comfort you. It's a genuine smile he's wearing because he enjoys talking to you.

You give him a wide smile, but you're still a little confused. Why does this feel so good to you? "You're serious about how good I am?"

"Yeah, I am! You're a fast learner!" Kai answers. "I mean, you probably won't be defeating Damien alone anytime soon, but, hey, I can't either!"

You feel your face reddening. Soon it'll be as red as Kai himself.

"The heck, y/n?" you say to yourself. You don't understand why you're acting like this. In a split second decision, you decide to cover up your feelings and go with the flow. "Nope. You're lying. I know I suck at this."

"C'mon, y/n, you're lying to yourself!" Kai says. "You are really good at this, and if worse goes to worst, you can defend yourself. And I'll help you keep improving."

There you go, blushing again. You try to cover it up as you sip some cold water, but it doesn't work as planned. You feel your face heating up even more. You're confused as to what emotion you are feeling. Is it embarrassment? Anxiety? What is it?

"Okay, then. Can we train later? I need a break," you say.

"Yeah, anything, y/n," Kai says, his grim still plastered on his face.

You smile back as you crash onto your cot, lying on your stomach, exhausted. You've been training with Kai for hours now with no break. You push a strand of moist hair out of your face and run a hand through your messy, snarly, greasy, sweaty hair. You hadn't been able to take a shower since before Damien kidnapped you. You wrinkle your nose, thinking about how bad your h/l h/c hair is, as well as the rest of your body.

"We need to get back to Ninjago so I can take a shower," you complain.

"Oh boy, I need one too. I can't have awesome hair without a shower," Kai agrees.

You laugh. Kai's typical spikes in his hair were slowly starting to droop down. "Yeah, we don't want your hair looking like wilting flowers, do we?"

Kai laughs. "Yeah, that's one reason to get back home."

You sigh. "We got a while before that can happen."

"Yeah, but it's not the end yet. We'll stop whatever plan Damien has." Kai sits on the cot next to you. He rests a hand in your back and starts to slowly rub it. He pulls a hand through your hair. "It's not that bad, y/n."

You smile a little as the two of you sit there, occasionally talking about greasy hair and whatever other subject came up. Lucky for you, you had your face buried in your pillow, so you could blush without Kai noticing.

All was peaceful, until the other Ninja came.

"Y/n! Kai!" you hear Jay shout before they're in the cave with you and Kai. When they get in, they're all out of breath. "We found something!" Jay says in between huge gasps for air.

"Found what?" Kai asks.

"A way to get out of here. Maybe," Cole answers.

"Where?" you ask.

"There's this huge room of crystals, and there's this prophecy engraven on a marble stone in there," Lloyd describes.

"What does the prophecy say?" you ask.

"Well, there's part of a prophecy," Zane says. "The part we can see says 'When seven worthy are present, truth will be revealed.' So we need all of us there to figure it out."

"So we don't know what the heck it is," Kai says.

"It's the best thing we've found so far," Jay argues.

"Don't you think it's weird, that it's asking for seven people, the exact number in this group?" you ask. "And it sounds like this is the only place in this entire realm that isn't dark and evil, what with the translucent crystals and white stone. Plus, the six of you are the Ninja! How much more worthy can you get? And I guess maybe I'm worthy?"

"Your logic is sound, y/n," Zane confirms. "It would not be the first time the six of us are part of a prophecy."

"Yeah, those things keep on trying to throw us into chaotic messes," Jay says.

"And worthy can mean different things, but considering the situation, I think worthy means that you're a good person," Cole says. "Y/n, you might not save the world very often, but you're a good person. Roy was a good person, and good people usually are attracted to other good people. Besides, Damien has only ever hurt the best of people. You're in that group of good people."

You blush slightly. "Okay then. Let's go see what this crystal thingy is."

Hey guys. Sorry that the whole love plot hasn't been too noticable until now. I'm tryna not make it too rushed. And sorry for always updating late. How 'bout this, I'ma publish a chapter weekly, but not necessarily on Friday or a specific day. That gives me a little more leeway. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment. Love y'all!
❤ Michelle

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