The White Ninja

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Your POV

"Please tell me you understand what any of this means," you say as Zane reads the notebooks surrounding them.

"Damien was studying theories about time," Zane answers. "Everything from Einstein's general relativity to several different multiverse theories."

"Why is he so obsessed with time?" you wonder. "He kept this research secret, so it must be extremely important to whatever plan he has. Why did he kidnap me if he's so obsessed with time?"

"Perhaps it has to do with the crystals we found," Zane ponders. "You must have some sort of elemental ability if the crystals glowed. It is possible Damien is studying your element."

"Master of Time...," you say, considering it. "Then why am I so bad at time management?" you joke, trying to lighten the mood.

Zane smiles at you, acknowledging your joke. He picks up another notebook of Damien's illegible notes on time. "There's nothing he has marked in any way that would make me think he's interested in that theory of time. I don't know what your abilities would be."

"Do you know anyone that might?" you ask.

"Sensei or Misako might. If anyone knows, it's one of them."

You nod. "I guess that means we need to get back to Ninjago."

Zane nods and takes the realm courier from his arm compartment. "I'm opening a portal home!" he shouts up to the other Ninja before he makes the portal. He holds out his hand for me, which I take. You and Zane jump through the portal hand in hand.

The only time you have gone through a portal from one realm to another is when you were first kidnapped and you were unconscious at the time. Since then you've been through more portals than you'd like, but only to other areas of the same realm, areas really close to each other. It was a weird sensation then, but it's even weirder now. You're thankful for Zane's cold, metallic hand grounding you in reality. Otherwise you fear you would be lost in a sea of harsh blues in between worlds. Logically you know that can't happen, but the feeling of free falling in what looks like an endless mass of blue is a little terrifying.

Thankfully, not a moment too soon, your feet land on solid ground. You keep your hold on Zane's hand. You need something to tell you that you won't be free falling through vast nothingness again. A moment later the rest of the Ninja are next to the two of you. You're standing in the park, in front of the Titanium Ninja statue put up when Zane 'died.' This is the place where you first met the Ninja. Where Damien attempted to capture you the first time. Where Damien killed Roy in front of you. You squeeze on Zane's hand tightly, needing some sort of comfort now. Zane in turn squeezes your hand. You follow your gaze to see he is staring at the statue of himself. A reminder of his death and resurrection. You don't know much about how Zane came back to life. He has kept that information private from almost everyone. But you're certain those are hard experiences to think about.

"What are we going to do now?" you ask the Ninja. You turn to face them, still holding Zane's hand, leading Zane with you to turn. Keeping him from looking at the statue. You hold his hand tight while he holds your hand tight. Both of you want to get the heck out of this park.

"What did you guys find down there?" Cole asks.

"Damien has been taking notes on different theories involving time. That was all that was down there. Because it was so well hidden, his interest in [Y/N], and the fact [Y/N] is apparently an elemental master or elemental apprentice, I think it is possible she is Master of Time or something similar," Zane explains.

"What...what does that mean?" Jay asks. "Time travel? Slowing down time? Speeding up time? What can you do, if we're right?"

You shrug. "We don't know. There were notes on theories of alternate timelines next to general relativity. Relativity means time slows down when you're travelling at high speeds, right?"

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