The Ice

383 17 4

Your POV

The crystal room is shining. It is like the crystals themselves are making light. But that couldn't be possible, could it? The floor is like glass. You can see nothing but light thousands of feet below you. The crystal is several feet thick though, so you feel safe walking on it. There are massive crystals jutting out of the walls and there are small crystals the size of raindrops hanging from stringy thread-like crystals hanging from th ceiling almost half a foot above your head. You're surprised by the beauty of the room in this dark, dark realm.

"Wow," you say in awe.

"I second that wow," Kai says.

"Where is all the light coming from, Pink Panther?" you ask Zane.

"Okay, are we really sticking with these nicknames that were relevant years ago?" Zane asks.

"Oh, heck yeah we are, Pinkie!" Cole shouts.

Zane sighs. "To answer your question, y/n, PIXAL says the light is coming from some sort of unknown power source. Of course, that is the scientific explanation. Considering the realm we're in and my life experiences though, I would not be surprised if magic is involved."

"So, IDK or magic. Doesn't seem too crazy," you say. "I've lived in Ninjago City for a long time. The Serpentine and the Great Devourer, Garmadon, Soto, the Overlord, the Overlord 2.0, Chen, I was there for all of that. Add Damien, and I'm honestly not surprised by magic and superpowers anymore."

"Now that you list the attacks there, I'm starting to realize how bad it must be to live in Ninjago City. Like, how is it still the capital of Ninjago? How is anyone still alive and well physically and mentally? How are there still skyscrapers? How is the economy not screwed?" Jay asks.

"I have no frickin' clue," you answer.

"Can we stay focused on the task at hand?" Kai asks.

"Yep!" You shut up and observe the crystal room even more. You found the marble tablet the Ninja had described. There were ancient runes etched into the stone.

"'When six worthy are present, truth will be revealed, '" Zane reads over your shoulder.

"What language is it written in?" you ask.

"It's the ancient language of our ancestors," Zane explains.

"Seems legit," you reply.

"We have seven of us here. Is something supposed to happen?" Jay says.

You examine the stone with Zane, looking for any clues. Suddenly, you notice some new runes appearing. "Magic! New runes! What do they say, Pink Panther?"

"'You stand in the Elemental Cavern. Here, the Masters and Apprentices shall be made known,'" Zane reads.

Once Zane finishes the last syllable of the sentence, the light dims and several human-size crystals started to come up from under the ground.

"Are we, like, supposed to go to those?" you ask.

"Only one way to find out," says Cole as he walks to one of the massive crystals. You and the rest of the Ninja claim your own crystals. You watch as Kai's, Zane's, Lloyd's, Jay's, and Cole's crystals started glowing a gold color, as well as...yours?

"Wait, what?" you ask in confusion. "The heck?"

"'Masters and Apprentices shall be made known' it talking about elemental master's?" Kai says.

"I guess...," Jay says. "Can you be smart for us, Pink Lemonade?"

Zane sighs again. "The tablet called the room the Elemental Cavern. It would make sense that it would refer to Elemental Masters, but the term Elemental Apprentice is not in any of my databases."

"So, does this glowy stuff mean I'm a Master or Apprentice?" you ask.

"I suppose so," Zane confirms.

"What?! That's crazy! I'm just a normal girl, how can I be that?" you say in shock.

"Who are your parents? They might've been Masters," Cole says.

"I don't know. My aunt never told me about them, not even their names," you answer.

"And thus the plot thickens," Jay says.

"But what does Apprentice mean?" Lloyd says. "You might be a Master, but you also might be an Apprentice, y/n."

"I don't know...if anyone knows, it's Misako...or Damien," Zane says.

"Oh my gosh, this is crazy! This can't be happening, can it?" you say.

"Y/n, it's happening, but none of us have a clue on what it means," Zane says.

"I swear my life got a lot more complicated multiple times in the last month," you say, still in shock over the newfound discovery.

"Hear hear," Jay says.

The golden crystals started to disappear into the ground, and it started to get dark. Your pupils quickly adjust; they're plenty used to the dark now.

"We better go back guys," Kai says.

Everyone treads back to the outside. Zane pulls you aside. "I know this is crazy, but on a scale of one to ten, one being absolutely amazing and ten being absolutely terrible, how are you?" Zane asks.

You shrug. "Somewhere between 7.5 and 8.5."

Zane wraps an arm around you. "It's alright, we'll figure this out. And if you turn out to be an Elemental Master, crazy, but also cool."

"Fair point," you say. "What does it feel like to use your powers?"

"It's this amazing feeling. I have a sudden burst of confidence yet I don't feel powerful. It's somehow...humbling even though the immense power flowing through my body and being ejected from my finger," Zane describes.

"It sounds amazing. I wouldn't mind that," you say.

"Maybe you have it. Time will tell," Zane says.

"Yeah. What am I gonna do when we get back to Ninjago? Will I suddenly have some sorta superpower?" you say.

"I don't know, y/n. I don't know," Zane says. "I'll give you a ride because for now you do not have an elemental dragon."

You chuckle a little bit until you realize you a blushing again. C'mon, y/n! Pull yourself together! Stop blushing every time one of the Ninja is nice to you! It's not like it's a surprise! They frickin' rescued you!

You hide your face until the coloring evens out. "Alright, Pink Panther. Let's go."

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