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          I was going to do Elsa and Anna together, but I think it will be better to do one at a time. xD

        So, as you can see, Elsa is first.


        Anna bounced on her sister to wake her up. She wanted to play and she wanted Elsa to play with her. Elsa groaned and tried to get her sister to go away, but Anna was relentless. "Do you want to build a snowman," Anna asked with a grin. That was the one thing Elsa could not refuse. She loved to use her snow powers and to show them off, especially to Anna, because Anna was always so enthralled by them.

        Elsa jumped up and took Anna's outstretched hand, together they ran towards the ballroom. Anna watched excitedly as Elsa worked her frosty magic and transformed the ballroom into a gigantic winter wonderland.

       Anna giggled excitedly as Elsa introduced her to Olaf the snowman and then made them travel around the room. These were the times that Anna loved, she adored spending time with Elsa.

        "Catch me," Anna yelled as she hopped off of a snow bank.

      Elsa smiled and made another snow bank and another, but Anna was going too fast. "Slow down," Elsa yelled as she slipped on the ice. She threw her hand out to help Anna and ended up shooting icy power at Anna's head. Elsa gasped and ran to her sister as she yelled for her mother and father.

        The king and queen ran in and they were furious. "This is becoming too much," the king yelled as he picked up Anna and hurried to find the information he needed to help her.

       Soon they were on their way to see some trolls. They helped Anna, but they had to wipe her memories of Elsa's powers to keep her safe. Once they returned to the palace, Elsa was moved to her own room and kept hidden from Anna.

         As they years passed, Anna grew to barely know her sister and Elsa grew to hate the world. Elsa hated the fact that she had to be locked away, like some monster, and hidden from human contact. It ate away at her and truly made her heart frozen.

       When Elsa turned eighteen, their parents died in a boat wreck. Anna was torn apart by this, but Elsa was unconcerned. She loved her parents, of course, but her frozen heart would not let her mourn. Instead, she became even more bitter.

        Anna was alone once more and her heart longed for human connections. Once the coronation arrived, Anna welcomed it happily. She ran out the open doors and inhaled the fresh air greedily. Elsa watched her sister and frowned. She realized that she wasn't the only one locked away like some sort of animal. Anna had suffered the same fate. 

        Anna ran into a man and was attracted to him immediately. He introduced himself as Hans, the prince of The Southern Isles. Hans smiled at her and watched as she hurried off for the coronation. She watched her sister become the queen and then hurried to the ballroom for some dancing.

       Elsa watched as Hans swept her sister off her feet and she sneered at them. How could Anna find love in one single night? Her anger grew worse though, when Anna and Hans announced their engagement. Elsa glared and knew she had to get Hans out of the picture. "No you are not getting married," she snarled.

       Anna grabbed Elsa's arm as she turned to walk away and pulled off Elsa's glove. "Give it back," Elsa hissed as she went to grab her glove, but Anna yanked it out of the way.

       Elsa felt her anger and fear rising up in her. She glared at Hans and raised her hand. Anna, sensing danger, threw herself in front of Hans and got impaled by the icicle that was meant for Hans. He gasped and stared at Elsa in shock. "How could you," he growled as he gently touched Anna's cheek. 

        Elsa glared at Hans and then ran from the party. She would show them all her power! As she ran, she set off an eternal winter. "Let them all freeze," she said merrily as she skipped across the lake and headed for the North Mountain.

       Hans sobbed softly as they pulled Anna from the icicle and laid her body on the floor. His heart ached at the sight. He kissed her cheek and then set off to find Elsa. He needed to get to the bottom of this. Hans hiked up to North Mountain and stared at Elsa's ice fortress.

       He gulped, because he knew now what Elss was capable of, and then pushed the door open. Elsa spun and glared at him. "Why did you come here," Elsa barked, making it echo off of the icy walls.

       Hans grimaced. "You need to come back Elsa. Your sister is dead because of you," he snapped harshly.

      Elsa groaned and tried to control her emotions.  "You think I don't know that? Go away," she snapped back.

      "I don't think so. If I go, you're coming with me," he growled as he stormed over and grabbed her arm.

      Elsa shot ice at him and it struck his heart. He fell to the floor and panted. "What have you done," he asked as his body began to freeze from the inside out.

     Elsa watched in awe as Hans became and ice statue. "You're so beautiful," she cooed as she touched the ice sculpture's cheek and then danced around with him. Anytime anyone sought out to find her, Elsa would freeze their hearts and add them to her collection. She lived out her days in her icy fortress with her beautiful creations.

       O_O I am terrified of Elsa now. just saying xD


Unhappily Ever After जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें