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       Requested by a friend :3 Hope you all enjoy.

        Geppetto was a lonely old puppet maker. He had married when he was younger and they had dreams of one day having a family. However, when his wife was pregnant, she became very sick. Two lives were lost on a very dreary Sunday afternoon.

       Life was never the same for Geppetto after that. He immersed himself in his puppet making, giving each puppet a distinct personality. They became his family and his closest friends. It broke his heart each time he had to sell one, but he had to sell them in order to eat and keep a roof over his head.

      He would go out into the woods and spend countless hours looking for the perfect trees to make his family. Not just any wood would do after all. He wanted nothing but the best for his beautiful family.

     One day, he headed into the woods and looked around as always. It was only after hours of looking that Geppetto found the perfect tree for his newest family member. "Blue Spruce, perfect for my son," he said as he began to carefully chop the tree down.

       Once he had the tree secured on his cart, Geppetto began the ride home. He talked to the tree as if it were already his child. He promised that he would take care of it always. When he arrived home, he began working on debranching the tree and picking out the perfect section for his son.

       Geppetto worked hard for several days and nights to make the son he always wanted. Finally he had completed his son. Geppetto held up his son and smiled. "You have your mother's eyes," he commented to the puppet.

      He danced the puppet around and laughed happily. That night, Geppetto went to bed happy, he finally had his son.

        Pinocchio was laid in a tiny bed, his unseeing eyes stared up at the ceiling. A blue light filled the room and a beautiful woman appeared. She walked over to Geppetto and watched him sleep. Her heart grieved for him and that's why she was here. She then turned slowly and walked over to Pinocchio. "Geppetto shall have our son," she said softly and brought the puppet to life.

       Pinocchio blinked his eyes and looked around. "Am I a real boy," he asked as he looked at his wooden hands and wiggled them.

      The woman smiled sadly and shook her head. "I do not possess such magic Pinocchio. That magic lies within you," she said gently.

      Pinocchio didn't understand and he looked at her curiously. "What do ya mean," he asked as she freed him of his strings.

       "You have to prove that you are capable of being a real boy," the woman replied. "You have to know right from wrong and to love," she added before she faded away.

      Pinocchio watched the blue light fade away and then smiled widely. He was alive! Even if he wasn't a complete real boy yet, he was alive. He jumped out of his bed and shakily walked around. 

      Geppetto heard a strange noise and woke up quickly. He lit the lantern beside his bed and then glanced around the room. "Hello father," Pinocchio exclaimed, almost giving him a heart attack.

      Geppetto quickly grabbed his glasses off of his nightstand and shoved them onto his face. "How," he muttered as he watched Pinocchio walk towards him.

      Pinocchio explained the events to his father, who listened in awe. Once Pinocchio's story was through, Geppetto scooped him up into his arms and hugged him tightly. "My son," he choked out through his tears. 

      Pinocchio hugged Geppetto tightly. "Father," he said happily in reply.

       The follow week Geppetto set up Pinocchio to start school. They agreed that if he was to be a real boy, he should spend time with real boys. Pinocchio skipped towards the school and sang happily. As Pinocchio passed as store, he was stopped by a smooth talking fox and a dimwitted cat, who had tricked Pinocchio into not going to school. They told him that they were his friends, when really all they saw in him were dollar signs. A walking talking puppet was their ticket out of poverty and into the rich life.

      The sly fox and dumb cat had brought Pinocchio to a man with a travelling puppet show. The man was cruel and treated his puppets poorly. When he saw Pinocchio he immediately paid the two imbeciles and then barked orders at Pinocchio.

       Geppetto waited for Pinocchio after school and got very worried when the hours passed and his son still wasn't home. He pulled on his sweater and headed out into the frosty night to look for him. The chilled air soon became too much for him and he trudged home sadly. He had no idea what to do or how to find his lost son.

       Day passed and finally Pinocchio snuck away from the evil man who had bought him. He quickly made his way home and told his father what had happened. However, Pinocchio didn't want to get in trouble, so in his version of the story, a dragon had kidnapped him and brought him to a deserted island.

      As Pinocchio told his story, his nose began to grow. Geppetto knew the story was all lies and he stared at Pinocchio wondering when he would tell the truth. By the time Pinocchio's nose was out the window, Geppetto sighed and shook his head. "Tell me the truth Pinocchio," he said sadly.

      Ashamed about lying, Pinocchio slowly and sadly told his father what really happened, making his nose shrink until it was completely back to normal. Geppetto was upset, but he was so thrilled to have his son back, that he forgave him and hugged him tight. "Don't do that again," he chided to his boy softly.

      Pinocchio agreed to never do that again and promised to stay away from the fox and the cat for good.

      He did good for a while. He stayed out of trouble and went to school like he should. However, a month later, that all changed. As he was walking to school, a bunch of boys ran past him. "Hey where ya going," he asked one of the boys.

      "Fantasy Island," the boy replied and then began telling Pinocchio all about the amazing place. Pinocchio didn't want to miss such fun, so he dropped his books and hurried away with the boys. They were ushered into carts and promised the times of their lives.

      Geppetto set out once again to find his son. As he walked along, he found a discarded flyer for a place called "Fantasy Island". He quickly scanned the flyer and groaned.

       A place where boys can go and have real fun. Real boys come here to delight in life!

       Geppetto quickly hurried to the docks and rented a boat. He then set out into the stormy waters in search of his son. The storm grew worse and Geppetto's tiny boat capsized. He struggled to stay above water, but soon his old tired body gave in and he sank below the water, where a whale swallowed him up.

      Pinocchio stared out at the rides and tried to decide what he wanted to do first. Some boys hurried over to him and offered him cigars and wine, which he accepted, although somewhere in his mind, he knew it was wrong. He ran around and joined the kids doing horrible things and watched as one by one they turned into donkeys.

      Pinocchio was in trouble and he knew it, he tried to flee, but the transformation had begun. A few minutes later, all that was left of him was a wooden donkey statue that was soon trampled by the other donkeys.

O_O yeeeeeeah.


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