The Lion King

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       Yes, I know this one wasn't on the list xD. But to make up for Bambi, here's another animal story. Tada!

        Elephants trumpeted as they stomped across the Pride Lands and headed for Pride Rock. All animals from all walks of life travelled together, just this once, without fear. They were going to greet King Mufasa's new son.

      Rafiki held the tiny cub in his arms while Sarabi and Mufasa followed behind him. The baboon carried the tiny cub out to the top of Pride Rock (where he dropped him, the end xD kidding) and held him up for the crowd of animals to see.

       All sorts of animal sounds filled the air as the animals cheered. Slowly the sounds died down as the animals began to bow to the new prince. Sarabi nuzzled her head into Mufasa's neck before Mufasa let out a mighty and proud roar. Sarabi then let out a roar and the animals of the crowd cheered once more.

      Once the ceremony was through, Mufasa called over his faithful advisor Zazu and sent him to deliver a message for him. Zazu gulped, nodded and then flew towards Scar's cave. Scar was nothing like his brother. While Mufasa was kind and firm, Scar was malicious and mean. When they were old enough to fight for staying rights, they fought against each other which gave Scar his scar. Scar was kicked out of the Pride for losing and being the weaker lion, while Mufasa was chosen to stay. For that reason, Scar despised his brother.

      Scar looked up at Zazu as he flew in. "How nice of my brother to send me lunch," he remarked as he jumped into the air and tried to catch Zazu in his mouth.

     Quickly Zazu flew out of reach and glared at the starved lion. "King Mufasa is very disappointed in you for not showing up at your nephew's ceremony," he snapped at Scar from a high perch.

      "That was today? Oh I feel dreadful. How is the little furball" Scar replied lazily before spotting a mouse scurrying by.

       Zazu scoffed at the giant cat. "That furball is your future king," he snapped back.

      Scar glared up at the bird, he hated that reminder. "Oh I shall practice my curtsy," he replied back snidely and then pounced onto the mouse.

       Zazu shook his head and then flew off, he had done his part of the job and delivered the message. He flew back to Mufasa and sighed before telling him what Scar had said. Mufasa nodded and thanked Zazu then went to spend time with his family.

         As Simba grew, his father taught him the ways of being a proper king. He taught him the ins and outs of how to rule the kingdom and what the perimeters of their land was. "What's that shadowy place," Simba asked one day as him and his father sat on a rock and looked out over their kingdom.

      Mufasa sighed and said, "Those are the shadow lands. You must never go there Simba. Promise me you won't go there." Simba stared up at his father and nodded. He was sure he didn't want to visit such a scary place.

       Later that afternoon, Simba went to visit his uncle, Scar. Scar laid lazily on a rock and listened to Simba go on and on about his lessons with his father. "And your father is right! You should never go to the elephant graveyard," Scar said lazily, but inside he was grinning. He knew the curious cub couldn't resist such an adventure. This was just the plan he needed to get Simba out of the way.

      "An elephant what," Simba yelled excitedly.

       Scar brought his paw to his mouth and said, "Oh dear, I've said too much. Promise me Simba that you won't go there."

      Simba grinned and nodded as he hurried for the exit. "That's a good lad. And remember, it's our little secret," Scar purred to his nephew. Simba grinned and nodded again before running off to find Nala.

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