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         This one will be a kick in the butt. Just saying. It's a bit twisted, but really, it wasn't that hard to do. xD

      Sunny Sunday afternoons were best for laying in the grass and daydreaming. Well, that's what Alice had always thought anyway. Every Sunday afternoon was her cherished time with her older sister. Her sister would read aloud, while Alice sat in a tree or on the grass and let her mind wander.

       Alice had always had a very active imagination after all. Her daydreams often took her to places that she really could only dream of. Today was no different. While her sister read, Alice sat in a tree and began to daydream.

      A white rabbit zipped past her on the ground. Alice spotted it and quickly followed, how often do you see a rabbit in a waistcoat after all? "I'm late! I'm late," the rabbit chanted as he bounced towards a hole and quickly jumped in. Alice glanced around and then quickly hopped in after the rabbit.

       Time seemed to slow down as she fell slowly down the hole. There was nothing for a long time and then suddenly there was light. She fell into a rocking chair and rocked lazily for a minute, before sliding off and falling some more. Finally she landed on a tiled floor and looked around.

      There were no doors or windows. There was just a table and Alice. Not sure of what to do, Alice suddenly spotted a bottle on the table. She stared at it curiously and checked the label.

        Drink Me!

      Not seeing any other options, Alice took a drink of the bottle and shrank down rapidly. She fell down from dizziness and looked around where she spotted a door.

      Once her head wasn't dizzy anymore, Alice stood up and ran to the door. She turned the handle and jumped away when the door yelped in pain. "I'm locked," the door barked as he wiggled his nose. "You need the key," he added once his aching nose stopped throbbing.

      "Well where is the key," Alice asked with a sigh.

       The doorknob looked up at the table and smiled. "All the way up there," he said with a chuckle. Alice looked up and groaned. It would take ages to climb up that table. "Just eat a cookie," the door said bringing Alice's attention back to him. He looked at the floor and Alice did too. Sure enough, there was a box of cookies sitting there with the words

        Eat Me!

     right on top of them. Alice didn't hesitate to take one of the cookies and bite into it. Suddenly she grew to the size of the room and couldn't move.

     Alice was so frustrated that she began to cry. Her giant tears began to flood the room. Before the door drowned, it yelled, "The bottle!" Alice reached into her pocket and quickly drank the drink and shrank rapidly.

      She was dizzy again and had to work hard to stay above the water. She struggled to swim through the keyhole and just made it to the other side. Alice encountered a group trying to get dry, but they weren't making any sense, so she hurried away and into a flower garden.

      As she walked along, Alice heard whispers around her. She stopped and looked around at the flowers who were murmuring to each other. Alice admired the flowers for a minute, until they started mocking her and calling her a weed. They shooed her out of their garden and she wandered around alone once more.

     Soon Alice came to some woods. Strange creatures greeted her, but none as strange as the Cheshire cat. When the Cheshire cat's smile appeared, Alice stared at it curiously. It was day time, so she couldn't understand why the moon was out too. Then the rest of the cat appeared on a branch.

      "Hello. Can you stand on your head," he asked as he took off his head and stood on it.

     Alice blinked then shook her head, "I'm just trying to find my way home," she said sharply. 

      The Cheshire cat grinned widely. "Don't you know? Everything in Wonderland is the queen's way," he asked.

     Alice wasn't keen on seeing a queen, so she asked if there was any other way out. "Well, you could see the hatter. He's a bit mad though," the cat said with a chuckle.

      Alice groaned and stomped her foot as she said, "I don't want to meet any mad people! I just want to go home!"

      The Cheshire cat chuckled again. "We're all mad here my dear. As you can see, I'm not all there myself either," he said as he began to vanish again. 

      When the cat vanished, Alice made her way through the woods, where she unknowingly stumbled upon the Mad Hatter's house. Whimsical singing was floating through the air from several voices singing. Alice decided to check it out because, as always, she was curious.

     However, soon after arriving at the tea party, Alice left. "Everyone here is mad," she muttered as she tried to wipe spilled tea and strawberry jam off of her dress. "Nothing here makes any sense," she said as she hurried away from the party.

    She came to a castle and groaned. If this queen was as mad as everyone else, Alice was sure she would fly off the handle. A pair of cards pushed past her, dumping red paint on her as they went. Alice glared and stormed after them to yell at them, but stopped when she saw them painting white roses red. "Why are you doing that," Alice asked curiously.

      The number five looked at her and answered quickly, "The queen only wants red roses, if they're white, we'll lose our heads."

      Alice's eyes widened. "Lose your heads," she asked.

      Before the cards could reply, a woman hurried out and yelled about the roses being painted. "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS," she roared and then looked at Alice as the cards were hauled away. "And who are you my dear," the queen asked.

      Alice swallowed hard before answering, "I'm Alice."

      The queen eyed her and then pulled her off to play croquet. Alice didn't want to anger the queen so she played along willingly.

       She reminds me of mother. Alice thought randomly as the queen motioned for her to go. The Cheshire cat appeared then and made Alice's day worse as he tormented the queen and made it look like Alice's doing. That was the same thing Alice's little sister would do with Alice's mother and Alice would always get in trouble for it.

      The queen had had enough of Alice's antics. "OFF WITH HER HEAD," the queen roared as some guards hurried to capture Alice.

      Alice took off running and didn't stop until she was at the door she had first come through. "Let me out," she shrieked as she kicked and pounded on the door.

      "Wake up Alice. Wake up," an elderly voice cooed in Alice's ear.

       Alice opened her blue eyes and looked around at the sterile white walls around them. "You fell asleep while I was reading to you," the woman said as she placed a book on a round wooden table beside her bed, "Maybe we can pick up tomorrow? Now it's time to take your medicine."

      "Nurse Mary, where's my older sister," Alice asked as she took the cup for her medicine.

      The nurse sighed sadly. It was always the same questions with her. After Alice's mother killed her older sister, Alice completely lost touch with reality. "She'll be here on Sunday afternoon," Mary said softly as she watched Alice smile happily and take her medicine.


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