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         This one is sad. Not really demented or morbid xD But it does have a slightly happy ending.

       C'mon tho, that last story was bad@$$!! xD

        Anna and Elsa were sisters, but more importantly, they were best friends. They played together all of the time. Elsa had special magical powers that enabled her to make ice and snow. So anytime that Anna couldn't sleep, they would go and play in the ballroom.

        As Elsa and Anna played, Elsa accidentally shot Anna in the head with her powers. The king and queen rushed Anna to see the trolls, who fortunately were able to help, but they had to clear Anna's mind of Elsa's powers.

      Elsa and Anna were separated after that and Anna grew depressed. She carried around a plush snowman whom she named Olaf. She would talk to him all the time and even pretend that he would talk back.

       When their parents died in a boat wreck, Anna couldn't take the heartbreak that came with it. Olaf was the only one there for her now and she clung to him for dear life, afraid that she would lose him too.

       Three years later, and Anna was getting ready for the coronation. She held onto Olaf as she made her way out of the castle. So many people were there and it made Anna nervous. She was not used to people, especially so many at one time. With a whimper, she hugged Olaf tightly and wandered to sit by the lake.

       "Are you alright," a man asked gently from behind her.

      Anna jumped and held Olaf tight as she looked up at the man. "I'm fine," she replied softly before she looked back out at the lake.

       Hans stared at the shy girl and sighed. "What's wrong," he asked as he dropped down beside her.

       It was strange how at ease Anna felt sitting beside a total stranger, but she felt sort of safe with him near. She was about to speak, but the bells announced the starting of the coronation. Anna hopped up quickly and hurried off, hugging Olaf tightly.

       Once the coronation was through, Elsa and Anna were ushered into the ballroom. They greeted guests and then Elsa greeted Anna sadly, "Hello Anna."

       Anna blinked a few times and then muttered a greeting back. She didn't know what to say to Elsa anymore. She felt betrayed by her own sister. "Let's go dance Olaf," Anna murmured to her plush snowman as she walked away from Elsa.

      Elsa watched her sister and she was worried. It was clear that when their parents locked them away from the world, Anna didn't take it well. Hans spotted Anna and walked up to her. "May I cut in," he asked as he looked at Anna's plush snowman.

       Anna nibbled her lip and nodded, then allowed Hans to take Olaf and set him on a chair. Hans then returned to Anna and took her gently into his arms. Her heart raced and she was oblivious to what she was she was supposed to do. "Relax and let me lead," Hans said as he positioned their hands and then led them in the dance.

      Elsa watched her sister and the stranger cautiously as they danced around the floor. She noticed a smile on Anna's face and she smiled a little as well. Soon, Anna and the stranger had disappeared, which made Elsa panic.

      As she was about to go and look for Anna, Elsa was stopped by the Duke of Weselton. He had pulled her glove off when he tried to stop her. Elsa stared wide eyed and tried to get her glove back, but the Duke kept pestering her about why the kingdom had been shut down for so long. 

       Elsa couldn't control her powers and suddenly the floor turned to ice and Elsa had made an ice shield between her and The Duke. "Monster," The Duke yelled as he stared at Elsa.

        Elsa ran off, afraid that she might actually hurt someone. She didn't even look for Anna to say goodbye, she just left. Anna heard the commotion and pulled Hans with her towards the ballroom. Everyone explained what happened as some guards grabbed Anna. "Are you a monster too," the Duke asked with a vicious sneer.

        "What? No," Anna whimpered sadly.

       "Let her go," Hans demanded as he brought Olaf over to Anna. The guards let her go and she cuddled Olaf tightly, thanking Hans in the process.

       Elsa stayed in her ice fortress for the rest of her days. She couldn't go back to Arendelle and subject Anna to her powers. If she were to hurt Anna more, she would never be able to forgive herself.

        Soon the kingdom forgot about Elsa and her powers. Anna married Hans and together they ruled the kingdom. Although Anna often wondered what happened to Elsa, she was never brave enough to venture after her. She figured Elsa would come back when she was ready, but of course she never did.

      Meh. I'm not happy with this one. :/ Oh well. Who's next?

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