Meg and Hercules

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        This one should be interesting. In this story, Hercules will be more like Greek Mythology made him. Don't know the stories? You're in for a shock xD

     I will do Mulan soon. Just trying to figure out a story for her. :3

        Meg always had man trouble. She always ended up hurt in the end. Her biggest trouble came years ago, when she sold her soul to Hades to save her boyfriend's life. In return for her sacrifice, her boyfriend left her for another woman. After that, Meg swore off men for good.

       Zeus and Hera smiled at their beautiful baby boy. Hercules, like Zeus, was a god. Even as a baby he had amazing strength as his godly power. Zeus and Hera hosted a party on Mount Olympus to introduce their new son to the gods and goddesses.

      Hades waltzed into the party and greeted his brother hotly. After all, it was Zeus who had placed Hades in charge of the underworld. "How's work," Zeus asked his brother with a slap on the back.

       Hades hated his brother's sense of humor, well actually he just hated his brother. His perfect brother. "Dead," Hades muttered as he slid away from his brother and sought out to find his nephew.

      Hercules smiled up at Hades and cooed happily. Hades wrinkled his nose slightly and set his hand on the bassinet for a second. In that second, Hercules grabbed Hades hand and almost crushed his bones to dust. With a hiss, Hades pulled his hand away and glared at the child. However, a second later he was smiling. Hades had gotten the perfect idea on how to get revenge on his brother. He turned and headed back to the underworld quickly.

       Meg watched Hades as he hurried into his chambers and got straight to work on something. "Family reunion not go so well," she asked snidely as she hopped into the chair beside him.

      Hades glared at Meg and then went back to work on his potion. "No my little nutmeg, on the contrary, it went quite well," he purred back sarcastically. "My perfect brother has a bouncing baby boy," he added happily.

      Meg was confused, she had been with Hades long enough to know that he hated his brother. So him being happy about his brother's child was very strange. "You're not going to kill the baby are you," she asked in horror.

      Hades scoffed at her. "Of course not," he said and then muttered, "because he's immortal."

      Meg glared at him and asked what he was planning. She hated the idea of a baby getting hurt. "I'm just going to give the child a present. He is my nephew after all," Hades barked before he snapped his fingers and tied Meg up. "My gift for him is to make him mortal," he added as he filled a bottle with the potion and sent Pain and Panic to kidnap Hercules.

       "Kill him when he's mortal! But he has to drink the whole potion," Hades barked to his minions, who nodded eagerly in return.

       Hercules was sound asleep when Pain and Panic snuck in and kidnapped him. He cried for a minute, but Pain shoved the bottle into his mouth. Hercules greedily drank the potion, but not all of it. Someone heard the commotion and were coming to investigate. 

      Pain heard someone coming and dropped the bottle. He didn't take notice that Hercules hadn't drank all of the potion. Right now he was concerned with killing the child before they were caught. As him and Panic went to kill the child, Hercules grabbed them and smashed their heads together painfully.

      An elderly man and woman spotted Hercules and watched him beat Pain and Panic to a pulp. They debated on leaving him, but he was just a baby after all. "We can't leave him," the woman said softly to her husband. Her husband feared the child, but he nodded in agreement. This was his wife's chance to have the child that she had always wanted.

       Hades smiled up at the sky when he saw that Zeus was on a rampage. That only meant one thing, Pain and Panic had succeeded and Hercules was dead. Meg mourned quietly for the child.

       As Hercules grew, so did his strength and temper. He eventually killed his parents when he was fifteen because they couldn't afford to buy him a new cart. When he turned eighteen though, his life changed forever.

      Hercules knew he didn't belong with humans. His strength was proof of that. He headed on a journey to find himself, which led him straight to Zeus' temple. Zeus looked down and saw his son then quickly brought the statue to life. He explained everything to Hercules. "So, let me get this straight. I'm a god," Hercules asked smugly.

      Zeus nodded at his son, "But only half son. You were made mortal. Now you need to prove yourself a god before we can let you up to Olympus." Hercules had no idea how to do that, but he was going to do it, no matter what. 

       Hades found out from the fates, that Hercules was still alive. He was so filled with rage that Pain and Panic not only failed, but they had lied to him, that he tossed them into the River Styx. "Meg," he purred as a new plan came to him.

       Meg rolled her eyes. "What," she snapped bitterly, already knowing what he wanted.

       Hades grinned at her. Meg was a hard one to bargain with, but he knew just what to offer that would have her do his dirty work for him. "Nutmeg, I need you to find out my nephew's weakness. In return, my sweet, I grant you the thing you covet most. Your freedom," he said with a crooked grin.

      Meg sighed, she had sworn off men, but this offer was too good to pass up. "Fine, I'll do it," she muttered as she shook Hades hand. He grinned and sent her on her way.

      Hercules was fighting a Hydra when Meg found him. She was impressed by his swiftness, but most of all, his strength. He panted and slumped on a rock once the Hydra was dead. "Do you do this often," Meg asked as she sidled up beside him. "Take out monsters I mean," she added when he tossed her a confused look.

      "Oh that? Yeah, I have to prove myself to my father," Hercules replied smugly.

      Meg shrugged and offered him her hand then introduced herself. Hercules smiled and introduced himself in return. "Say Meg, how about some lunch," he offered as he stood up. Meg knew she was getting into trouble by accepting his offer, but she was on a mission and so she accepted happily.

       As the weeks passed, Meg spent a lot of time with Hercules. She studied him and tried to find any kind of weakness at all, but she never found one. "He has no weakness," she yelled to Hades, who refused to believe such rubbish.

      "Everyone has a weakness," Hades roared back, but then stopped and grinned. "Oh yes," he replied to himself as he pulled Meg into his arms. "He does have a weakness. Every man's weakness at some point is a woman," he purred into her ear before tying her up. 

      Hercules was fighting a monster when Hades appeared with Meg. "Let her go," Hercules yelled as he ran towards them.

       Hades smirked, "Oh I will, but I need your help nephew. If you refuse, nutmeg here dies."

      Hercules stopped and stared at Hades, "Uncle?"

      Hades nodded and grinned. "I need you to release the Titans. Do that and she's free to go," he said happily.

      Hercules sighed and agreed. He hurried and released the Titans then demanded Meg's release. Hades grinned and looked at Meg as he let her go. "I told you that you were his weakness. As for our agreement, you are now free. Your soul no longer belongs to me," he announced before disappearing.

      Hercules glared at Meg. "You were using me! I was just a tool for you to get your freedom," he roared as he grabbed Meg and shook her painfully.

      "You're hurting me," she whimpered, but Hercules was too caught up in his rage and crushed her to death with his inhuman strength.

       Hercules saw what he had done, yet again, and sighed. He would never control his strength and his punishment for that was life on earth.

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