Chapter 7

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    I woke up, feeling drool out the side of mouth. I quickly moved my arm to stop it from dripping on Jake's sheets. I peeked my eyes open, expecting the sun to almost blind me, but instead the room looked gray, the sun is not out today. I turn to the other side of the bed to stretch and when I did, I realize an arm around my stomach. There was Jake, peacefully resting. His head lay on the pillow almost angelically, his touch was so soft, yet strong enough that if I were to get up he would wake up. I laid their for a second not sure what to do. I looked down at myself, I was still in Jake's t shirt, but my bra was off for the night and so were my pants, leaving me in my underwear. Luckily, the comforter was covering me, but I wasn't sure exactly how to approach getting up.

    I moved each leg slowly, but with any movement Jake's arms would wrap around me tighter. I sighed and decided maybe it was best to just stay in the bed. I rested my head back on the pillow and turned towards Jake, falling asleep quickly.

    When I woke up after what must have been a couple hours, I was alone in the bed just like the other morning. I didn't want to get up because I knew that would be my last night in Jake's bed this week. The pillows smelled like him and I wanted to bury myself in them. I pulled myself away, kicking my legs over the side of the bed. The sky was still dark and that made me sleepy even though it was almost 11. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, my face was stripped of makeup and I looked happy and clean. I didn't want to put on pants, so I dug through one of Jake's drawers before I found a pair of sweatpants. I would normally roll up the ankles of Sammy's sweatpants, it was weird that I didn't have to with Jake's because he was a similar height to me. I might even be a little taller.

    I stepped out of Jake's room and heard music coming from downstairs. Fleet Foxes was floating in the air along with the nice smell of pancakes. I tiptoed down stairs as soon as I could hear Josh's voice. Looking both ways, before entering the kitchen, I saw that Josh was the only one in the kitchen, wearing no shirt and a pair of wacky short shorts. I watched as he danced around like a fool, but I loved it. He was happy and that made me happy. His voice was perfect, like an angel. He hadn't realized I was standing there yet, appreciating his enthusiasm for music. "Dear shadow, alive and well. How can the body die? You tell me everything, anything trueee." His hips swayed, but he paid enough attention to the stove that nothing was burning. I closed my eyes, just for a second, taking in everything. The smell, the music, the feeling of being in a home that really felt like what a family is meant to be. "Like what you see?" He had noticed me watching him.

    "Maybe... what's it to you?" I giggled at him. "Are you gonna get your haircut soon?" I asked, looking at how middle length his hair was, resting just above his jaw. He looked a little bit like a middle aged woman.

    "I'll get a haircut when you get one missy." He said touching my hair that was full of dead ends.

    "Okay, Susan. Where is everyone?"

    "Mom and Dad are on a day trip to Detroit. Sam's at Carmen's and Jake's.. I think Jake's in the garage?" He laughed, knowing he wasn't 100% sure. "I'm going to be done making these in a few minutes, so you better be hungry."

    "Always." I said before walking out the side door to head to the garage.

    There was only one light on in the garage next to the couch that Jake was sitting on. He had a pen and paper and his guitar was resting on his leg. "So we meet again!" I said trying not to make a totally awkward entrance. "Whatcha doin?" I questioned in my sweetest voice. He looked up at me, his eyes traveled up and down probably seeing that I was now wearing every item of his clothing. I had completely forgot I wasn't wearing a bra until his eyes landed dead in the middle of my chest. Though my new found feelings told me to let him look, I crossed my arms because some part of me felt like he was still my family. I moved to sit down next to him on the big couch, crossing my legs towards him. He was still silent, but kept looking at me. "Jake? Earth to Jake?" I said, waving my hands, one landing on his arm giving it a squeeze.

    "Oh yeah," he shook his head, taking himself out of whatever daze he was in, "I'm just working on some songs."

    "New stuff for the band?" I asked, actually curious.

    "I'm not sure yet, it might be a little too personal. Maybe one day though." I smiled at him, he was so serious, he made me content. All I wanted to do was kiss him.

    "You sure there isn't anything in there about me? If there is you havvve to show me!" I said mimicking what he had been saying the night before. I moved a little closer to him.

    "No, I don't." He moved a little bit closer to me.

    "Touché." Soon we were just like how we were last night, breath on eachother, centimeters apart. I looked between us, from his eyes to his lips and before I knew it he was kissing me.

— Author's Note —
Hi, so I love that people are liking this story, or you seem to be. Just wanted to say thank you and love yousss!!! Tell me if you like it as well!

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