Chapter 37

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November - 2017

    When they left that night, it felt weird. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Maybe it was that I finally felt like I had reunited with my family or maybe it was just from the alcohol, but my stomach was twirling uncontrollably.

    A loud knock came at my door, "Open the fucking door now!" Julie's voice echoed. I got up, noticing that I was still in my outfit from the night prior. I took a deep breath in before undoing the bolt and letting the door open. She stormed in past me, speaking fast. "-so what? Now you don't even call me. You don't text and say 'yeah, I'm alright. I didn't get killed when I left you.' You do know that's fucked up, I was worried." She huffed the words out, like they were taking all her left over energy and using it up for their own good. I held my hand up to my temple, wincing at the sudden movements she made.

    "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."

    "You have to think next time!"

    "I will, I promise I'll tell you next time."

    "Good." She said, satisfied with my answer. "Now what was with the music last night, kids said it sounded like you were having a party?"

    "It was nothing, really.." She raised her eyebrows at me. "It was just some kids from back home, they came to visit sort of."

    "We could've just stayed in last night, I didn't know you had people coming."

    "No, no, it was sort of a surprise. Besides you can meet them... well, you can meet them tonight." I said, a little weary of telling her who they were. "At a concert.. Yeah a concert tonight."

    "A concert?"

    "Yeah, you heard me." I said, sass present in my tone as I walked over to make a cup of coffee.

    "What kind?" She asked innocently.

    "You'll see."

    "Well, what do I wear?"

    "Jules, just wear what you normally would."

    "You do know that you're not helpful."

    "Yeah, I also know that my opinion won't change yours." I stuck my tongue out at her.

    I thought a lot that day. What would I say to them? How would I talk to them in this scenario? Scenes played through my head in stories I'd heard of rock n' roll romances. How people would fall in love and go on tour with a group of guys they barely knew. Of course, I knew these guys and I couldn't say for sure if I was really in love with any of them. Well, I did love Sammy. I definitely loved Sammy, but he didn't count. He's just a lamb, the brother I always wished I'd had. I was really only worried to see Jake. He had done some shit, but I had retaliated and done some stuff back. I just wasn't sure if something could change. I might as well just not think about it right? Why suffer anymore? Why think of all that, when I should just let it go? I wasn't sure that I could, that's why.

    "Are you almost ready?" I asked, turning the corner to see Jules in black jeans, a sheer black blouse, and a leather jacket. I looked down at my own outfit.

    "Is that what you're wearing?" She asked, laughing a little.

    "What's wrong with this?" She walked over and pulled at my jean jacket.

    "Is this gonna be some Bon Iver shit? Because then I should change." She asked, I laughed at that.

    "No, you look good. I'm just feeling up to dressing up."

    "Okay, but you're literally wearing a t shirt and Levi's." She paused looking over at my bed where she'd laid out her clothing option. "At least put that shirt on." She pointed to a light weight, white shiny satin shirt. It was long sleeved and cut sort of like a mom shirt, but it had always look good on her. "Come on, it'll look good."

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