Chapter 35

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    2017 - January

    I walked down the street after getting out of the subway and turned the corner I knew so well. My mind was moving a thousand miles a minute, but I had to keep moving forward. I got out my ID card when I went through the glass doors and scanned in, getting on the elevator with my big suitcase in tow. It dropped me at my floor and then closed. I sighed looking at the door, it had all of our names written on it and next to each of our names were pictures of famous rocky folk musicians. Bob Dylan next to Dylan's name, Neil Young next to Lily, Levon Helm next to Katie, and none other than John Denver next to mine. The room held so many good memories and I was about to break that with a bad one.

    I put the key in the door and twisted the knob. When the door opened, I was greeted by familiar faces and loud music. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Katie screamed running and jumping into my arms. Not just like a little jump, a full on jump, one that landed us both on the ground. She kept hugging me and I could smell the alcohol on her.

    "Already, enough... Enough!" I said, partially laughing and also kind of annoyed with her because my butt hurt now. She got off of me and helped me up.

    "Sorry, just missed you!" She said. I gave her an 'it's okay' smile and gave her another hug.

    "You know there are more of us here right?" Dylan said, unhappily. I looked around to all of the people standing and staring at us. Lily was sitting on top of the counter and Glen was leaning against the table sipping at his beer.

    "Of course, I'm sorry.." I went over to each of them and gave them hugs. I tried to play the night off like everything was okay, mainly because Glen was there and I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable. I couldn't drink anything, everytime I even looked at alcohol it made me feel sick. I found myself touching my stomach more than I had the past couple of days. My hand seemed to cling onto my belly under my shirt which I'm sure looked weird from an outsider perspective.

    We had just finished cleaning up, when Glen said he was going to head out. "You coming love?" He asked Katie. She looked around at the room, then to me.

    "I don't think so, I'm gonna stay with Mags tonight." She responded, giving him a kiss.

    "Alright, love you. Bye all!" He said

    "Love you too." Katie closed the door and slowly walked over to me. I watched as all the girls turned to face me.

    "So, how was Michigan?" Lily asked.

    "Oh, it was.. well, it was good I guess. Super tired from travel and just hanging around."

    "So did you see anyone there?" Katie asked, they were getting at something, I just didn't really know what it was yet.

    "Um.. yeah, I saw some people.. over New Years." I found myself flinching at that word.

    "But what about after that?" Lily asked.

    "No, it was just me at home.." I saw them all share a look.

    "Mags... We know something's wrong." She said.

    "We just want to be here for you." Dylan said, putting a hand on my knee. I stayed silent looking at my hands and taking deep breaths. I felt my palms get damper with every movement.

    "I don't know what you're talking about." I said harshly. That was the problem with me, when my temper came it really came and I didn't like confrontation.

    "Nothing happened?" Katie asked. I nodded at her slowly. "Bullshit." She pulled out her phone and scrolled through some things. "Lily said you left to figure things out at home and we assumed you were doing fine, but this morning I got this text message.." She handed her phone to me.

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