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People turning into wolves, yeah, like that’s real.”


The sound of Charlie coming up the stairs had woken Ronnie from her nightmare. With a sigh of relief that Ronnie didn’t have to relive the events of Arizona, she picked up her cell phone to see that she had messages from both Embry and Quil.

“Happy Birthday, Veronica!” Charlie sang as he entered Ronnie’s room, carrying two presents in his hand. Her twin sister, Bella, wasn’t far behind him.

“Thanks, dad.” Ronnie sat up in the bed, winking at her father, as Bella sat down beside her. “Happy Birthday, Bells.”

Bella never replied, just gave her sister a small smile. Since the pair had come back from Arizona, things hadn’t been the same. Ronnie understands that what Bella went through was not only life changing but traumatising. And she was here for her sister, whenever she was ready to talk.

“I know Bella said no presents, but it’s not every day my two girls turn 18.” Charlie had a huge smile on his face and handed Ronnie the two presents in his hand. As Ronnie unwrapped the bigger one first, she saw that it was a book. A book about the Quileute Tribe. The same tribe her friends are in. “Billy told me you were interested in learning more about their history.”

“Thanks, dad.” Ronnie smiled up at him while flipping through some of the pages. “This is great.” By the time Charlie had handed her the second present, Bella had retreated back to her own room. Ronnie unwrapped the second present to see a chain with a little wolf dangling from it. “It’s beautiful.” She pulled her hair forward and put the chain on.

“I told your mom about your interest in the Quileute Tribe, so she got you it.” Charlie picked up the crinkled wrapping paper. “Apparently, the Quileute Tribe were descendants from wolves.” Charlie headed towards the door, shaking his head. “People turning into wolves, yeah, like that’s real.”

As Charlie left her room, Ronnie began laughing to herself. What would he think if he knew about Edward and the Cullens?


“It’s the Swan twins!” Eric shouted as Bella and Ronnie got out of the truck, joining their friends.

Ronnie spoke with them for a few moments until she discovered Jacob was standing near the entrance of their school. She excused herself and ran over to him. While she made her way towards him, she saw Edward with his arm around Bella, walking the same way. “Jake, Jake, Jake!” She laughed as he pulled her into a tight hug.

“Happy Birthday, V.” She said into her hair. “Embry would kill me if he knew I was here.”

“Embry? Are you guys skipping school and are here to save me from this torture?” Ronnie laughed as she looked at him and his ever-growing muscles. “Hello bi-ceps.” A blush crept onto his face. “You know, anabolic steroids are really bad for you.”

“Ha-ha, aren’t you funny? Just for that, I’ve decided not to include you on our skip day.” He slightly pushed her. “I am here to give you and Bella your presents.”

“I think she’s a little busy.” They both turn to see Bella and Edward making out. “Hey, we still on for fixing the rabbit?” Ronnie tried to talk to Jacob, but he was too interested in Bella. “Earth to Jake?”

“Oh, yeah.” He finally looked back at the other Swan sister. “Only if the two of you are still on for the party tonight?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Ronnie said to Jacob in a ‘duh, of course’ kind of way. “I’m picking Embry and Quil both up, so try to get them to your house, I’ll pick you up too.”

“I hope you understand that Embry is in love with you.” Jacob smirked at her. “He always brings you up in conversations.”

“What? Are you jealous?” Ronnie jokes with him. “First of all, me and Em have been best friends since I was six. And second, he’s not in love with me. You’re being ridiculous.”

“You know, V, denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.” Jacob let out a sigh. “Sam Uley and his pack of idiots will be here tonight.”

“Sam Uley? That’s the mechanic that fixed up my truck. What’s wrong with him?”

“Sam’s okay, sometimes. It's just weird.” Jacob shrugged his shoulders. “It’s more so his friend, Paul. He’s only a year or two older than me. He used to be alright when he was in school, but ever since he started hanging around Sam, he’s turned into a grade A asshole. The same with Jared Cameron.”

“Want me to have some words with Sam and Paul tonight?” Ronnie half jokes with him.

“Even though you probably would, it’s nothing I can’t handle.” Jacob smiled and kissed the top of Ronnie’s head. “Hey, Charlie was telling my dad that you were having nightmares recently.” He reached into his pocket and grabbed something. “So, I thought of you when I saw this the other day.”

He lifted it up, and it was a blue dreamcatcher. “Of course Charlie did.” Ronnie rolled her eyes. “This is kind of perfect, Jake.” He handed her the dreamcatcher, and she admired it. “Thank you.”

“No problem, V.” He awkwardly looked behind her to see Bella standing there with Edward.

Ronnie looked between the three of them, taking a deep breath. “Edward.” She called out to him. “Let’s leave these two for a moment.” She grabbed his arm, her hand flinching a little as she touched his cold skin. As they walked inside together, Ronnie turned back to Bella and Jacob. “See you later tonight, Jake!”

“Happy Birthday, Veronica,” Edward awkwardly said as they walked towards their lockers. “Bella told me not to get you or her any presents.”

“Oh, how thoughtful of her.” Ronnie laughed as she opened her locker. She turned to see Edward’s confused face. “It’s cool. We don’t need presents.”

“Veronica! Bella!” Alice’s voice filled the hall as Bella joined Edward and Ronnie. Alice jumped over the railing and landed in front of the trio. “Happy Birthdays!” She pulled the two birthday girls into a hug.

“Ssh, ssh!” Bella hushed her.

Alice handed Bella something and smiled. “Before you start, I’ve already seen you open it, and guess what? You love it!” Bella and Ronnie both looked down to see it was a black dress. “You’re going to wear it tonight. Our place. And you too, Veronica.”

“Oh, Bella and I already have plans…” Ronnie turned to Bella and saw the look on her face. “I already have plans.”

“Come on, please?” Alice begged her. “It’ll be fun.”

“Sorry, Alice. I already promised my boys.” She shrugged her shoulders.

Ronnie started to walk away from them until Jasper stood in front of her. “Emmett already installed your birthday present into your truck.” Jasper gave her a little smile. “Happy Birthday.”

“Thanks, Jasper.” Ronnie patted him on the shoulder. “Thank Emmett for me if you see him first.”

English was the first class of the day. Ronnie had sat beside Mike, who seemed as interested as Ronnie was in watching Romeo and Juliet, as the pair had fallen asleep.

As the last bell of the day rang out, Ronnie had reached her truck. She waited a few moments for Bella to come out with Edward. “Hey, Bells. Are you sure you don’t want to come to the Rez with me?” Bella looked at Edward and then back to her sister.

“I’m sure, V.” She gave her a reassuring smile. “Have fun and I’ll see you at home.”

As Bella walked over to Edward’s car, he stayed with Ronnie. “Don’t worry, Veronica, nothing bad will happen.”

“Like I said before, Edward, stop reading my mind.” He smirked at her and then headed towards Bella and his car.

the girl who cried wolf // Twilight Saga Where stories live. Discover now