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“Shut up and let the woman speak

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Shut up and let the woman speak.”


Within a couple of days, Bella had arrived home from Italy. With Edward. Charlie didn’t buy Ronnie’s story of Bella being with Alice when she was gone.

Ronnie was lying on Bella’s bed, listening to her sister telling her about what happened with Volturi. Charlie entered the room, leaning against the door frame. “You girls okay?” He asked, looking between his two daughters.

“I’m fine.” Bella gave him a small smile. “V is still pretty upset over Harry.”

“Yeah, so am I.” Charlie walked towards the bed, resting his hand on Ronnie’s shoulder.

“You don’t have to worry, dad.” Ronnie told him.

“Last time you told me that, she took off and I didn’t see her for three days.” Charlie said, with a hint of anger, looking at Bella.

“I’m really sorry, dad.” Bella apologised.
“Bella, don’t ever do that to me again.” He ordered her.

“And you,” He turned his attention to Ronnie. “Don’t ever try to lie to me. You hear?” He patted Ronnie on her back. “And you’re both grounded. For the rest of your lives.” Bella and Ronnie both quietly laughed. “Edward and Paul, who I still haven’t been officially introduced to yet, aren’t allowed to step foot through the front door of this house, ever again.”

The two girls looked at Charlie as he left the room. The second the door closed, Edward appeared from the window.

“And I guess that’s my cue to leave.” Ronnie stood up, looking at Edward.

“Veronica, there’s a mutt in the house.” Edward looked at her and smirked.

“Nice to have you back, Edward.” As she left, Ronnie quickly turned and stuck her tongue out at Edward.

Crossing the hall to her own room, she found Paul lying on her bed.

“You know, we’re not technically breaking any of his rules,” Paul laughed as Ronnie went and sat on the edge of the bed. “He said we couldn’t take a step inside the front door. I came in through the window.”

“Actually, that reminds me to lock my window before I go to sleep.” Ronnie laughs. “Too many weirdos can break in.”

Paul sat up on the bed, with a mischievous smirk on his face. “Does he think I’m your boyfriend?”

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