Chapter 6: Pranks

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We all get to Austin's house. Sarah and I go to the kitchen, and all the boys go to the living room to watch the football game.

"So how are things between you and Alex?" I ask Sarah.

"It's good I guess. We have been fighting a lot. I'm going to college soon and that is stressing the both of us out, I don't know if we are gonna stay together when I leave." Sarah sighs.

"If it's true love you'll stay together. And fighting's normal for couples. It makes them stronger." I say. Sarah smiles.

"I love you. You know that right." Sarah says walking over to me and hugging me.

"I know. I'm just so lovable." I say. Sarah laughs.

"We should prank the guys." Sarah says.

"Okay. What should we do?" I ask.

"Okay. Get out 4 paper plates, and I'll get the whip cream." Sarah says.

"Okay." I say. I walk over to Austin's pantry and grab the paper plates.

"Here's the plan. I'm gonna fill the plates with whip cream. We are going to take two plates and smash it on the guys face. First we need to figure out who's sitting where. So please can you go look." Sarah says. I walk into the living room. Austin is sitting next to Robert. Then it's Alex sitting next to Zach, all of there phones on the table. I walk back into the kitchen.

"So Robert and Austin, then Alex and Zach." I say.

"Okay. Of course you get Austin and Robert. I get Alex and Zach." Sarah says handing me two plates. We walk quietly into the living room and get right behind the guys. I look at Sarah.

"1.... 2.... 3." Sarah mouths. We take the plates and smash it on the guys faces. We laugh. They all stand up and start running after us. We run out back and get on one side of Austin's pool. Zach and Rob are in front of us.

"Where's Austin and Alex?" I ask Sarah.

"I don't know." She says. Suddenly both Sarah and I get pushed into Austin's pool. I swim up, and take a deep breath of air.

"You guys suck." I say. All the guys are laughing.

"Jerks." Sarah says.

"Help me out please." I say to Austin. He grabs my hand. But I put my feet on the wall and use all my strength to pull Austin in. He comes flying in. I look at Sarah and high-five her. She laughs. Austin comes up, and starts laughing.

"Who's next?" Sarah asks. All the guys look at each other, and they all jump in. So now everyone is in the pool. I swim up to Austin, who's in the deep end, and wrap my arms around his neck since I can't stand here and he can.

"Hi." He says.

"Hi." I say. I kiss him, and he wraps his arms around my waist, and kisses me back passionately. Austin turns so my backs against the wall and we make out. A beach ball hits the back of Austin's head.

"Get a room nerds." Robert says. I laugh and put my head on Austin's shoulder.

"So what are we gonna do for the rest of the night?" I ask Austin.

"I don't know. Probably swim now." Austin says.

"Can I at least go get in my suit?" I ask.

"Yes. Since you live next door anyways." Austin says. I laugh, and then go to swim away, but he pulls me back.

"I need to go changeeeee." I say.

"Let me have a kiss firstttt." Austin says mimicking my tone. I laugh then kiss him.

"There." I say.

"Thank you. Now you may go." Austin says. I swim over to Sarah.

"Come with me please." I say.

"Where?" Sarah asks.

"My house so we can get into our bathing suits." I say.

"Okay. I'll be back." She says to Alex. She kisses him, and then we walk to my house.

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