Chapter 10: Families are Fun

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Austin and I are sitting in the cave just talking with each other. He has his arms are wrapped around my waist.

"I don't want them to be here anymore." I say pouting.

"Don't worry. They will be leaving soon." Austin says.

"Alyssa will find a way to stay later. If that happens. I'm coming to your house." I say. Austin laughs, and kisses my cheek.

"I'm okay with that." Austin says. Alyssa swims into the cave with a smirk on her face.

"Hi guys." She says sitting next to Austin.

"Hi." I say while scooting Austin closer to me.

"Hello." Austin says.

"So what are you guys doing?" She asks.

"I was just leaving." I say. I get out from Austin's arm and start swimming away. It's starting to get dark outside. I go underwater and scream. I cannot stand Alyssa, I want her and her family to leave so I can just go to bed. I come up, and get out of the pool. I go inside and get some ice cream. When I look out the window and see Austin getting out of the pool, and Alyssa right on his ass. He walks inside with Alyssa behind him.

"Yep." Austin says to Alyssa dismissively.

"Okay I'm tired of this." I say. I walk in between Alyssa and Austin.

"What?" Austin and Alyssa say at the same time.

"You need to back the fuck up, and stop trying to throw yourself on Austin. He has a fucking girlfriend and you look like a fucking slut for throwing yourself on him. So go back outside, and stop being a total slut bag." I get in her face.

"Fuck you (Y/N). I'm not a slut. You're the slut. I'm not even throwing myself on him. I'm just hanging with him." She says to me while winking at Austin. I clench my fists together.

"Oh really. That's not what you told me when you hit me earlier. What were you words. Oh yeah. I want Austin. And I will get him, cuz I always get what I want." I say mimicking her voice and the tone she used. I start to tense up and Austin grabs my hand.

"I was never in your room today. Don't listen to her Austin. She's lying." Alyssa says.

"No I'm not lying. So go fuck whatever boy you have texting you now." I say.

"Fuck you." Alyssa says. She smacks me, I try to get to her but Austin has already picked me up, and starts carrying me upstairs.

"Fuck you bitch!" I yell as Austin opens the door to my bedroom. "God I fucking hate her so much." I say. Austin puts me down on the bed.

"She hit you earlier?" He asks.

"Yeah. That's why I was trying to avoid her all day." I say.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks as he takes my hand.

"Because you were with her." I say.

"Well I'm sorry for letting her hit you again." He says.

"It's okay. It isn't your fault, it's mine. I just want them to leave." I say.

"They probably will be leaving soon." He says.

"Okay. Can we go downstairs and eat ice cream, and then go swimming?" I ask.

"Yep." He says. He helps me up, and we walk downstairs. Alyssa is gone, and now she's outside swimming. I grab the ice cream I just got out, and grab a 2 spoons. One for me. One for Austin. We walk outside, and we start eating the ice cream.

"Can you stay the night tonight?" I ask Austin.

"If you want me to. Then yes." He says with a smile on his face.

"I do." I say.

"Then I'll stay." He says. I smile.

"Yay." I say.

"I'll have to go home, and get clothes." He says.

"I have some of your clothes here." I say.

"Oh that's right. But I still have to go home, and tell my mom, and get my charger and stuff." He says.

"Okay." I say.

"Will you be okay with me being gone for 10 minutes?" He asks putting his hand on my leg.

"Yeah." I say. He smiles.

"Okay. Well I will go now." He says.

"Okay." I say. He takes the empty ice cream bowl, and then walks inside. I stand up and walk over to my mom. I hug her from behind.

"Hey sweetie." She says. I smile.

"Austin's spending the night. Is that okay?" I ask.

"Yep." She says.

"Thank you." I say.

"You're welcome." She says. I walk over to the edge of the pool and jump in. Then I start swimming. Alyssa swims up to me.

"Where's Austin?" She asks.

"He went to go get stuff from his house." I say.

"Oh I forgot to tell you that we are moving up here, and I'm going to your school." Alyssa says.

"Cool. I don't care." I say. She rolls here eyes. Then swims away. God I hate her. She's moving up here which means hell. Like fuck.

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