17 - Secret Love

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Jungkook and Yoongi was dating for 2 years now. But all of it was hidden. Jungkook was an aspiring artist. While Yoongi was his makeup artist. They met when Jungkook First debuted. Yoongi was the assigned make up artist. From then Jungkook asked yoongi out. And then Few days later they were eachother's boyfriends.

All Yoongi wanted to do was to scream to the world that Jungkook was his. He was the love of his life. But sadly, he knew he couldn't. Because it's either their relationship or Jungkook's Career. And Yoongi would give up his and Jungkook's relationship if it means that Jungkook would make it big. Don't get him wrong. He loved Jungkook so much. But being the reason why he's dreams was crushed. Yoongi couldn't take that. He'd rather be the one who's broken. That's how yoongi Loves. It doesn't matter if he's hurt. But the person he loves is fine. But lately, Yoongi wanted him to meet Jungkook's parents. So Yoongi talked to jungkook.

" Kookie? " Yoongi says walking up to Jungkook. He was sitting on yhe couch using his phone. " Yes Love? " Jungkook says putting his phone down. And holding yoongi by the waist and pulling him closer. " So, when are we going to meet your parents? Its been 2 years now. " Jungkook's parents was different with Yoongi's. Jungkook's Parents were rich and owned a company. While Yoongi Don't have Parents. They left him before he even had a say in this world. Jungkook was quite shock with the question " soon baby, soon. " Jungkook says quite irritated. " That's what you also said last time. " yoongi frowned. " soon. Okay? Just not now. " Jungkook let go of Yoongi's waist and stood up. " Stop being stubborn okay? I promise soon. " Jungkook says before closing the door leaving a shock yoongi.

After Jungkook and Yoongi's arguement. Jungkook was going to perform now. So Yoongi has to fix his makeup and such. Yoongi didn't paid attention to Jungkook. Still quite upset. Jungkook noticed the quietness of his baby. " Yoongi? " Jungkook called out. Yoongi didn't say anything and continue on doing his work. Jungkook, knowing.
Yoongi's upset. Hold on to his waist and hug him Tight. " baby. Look im sorry okay? I didnt mean to snap at you but i promise you soon okay? " Yoongi could never bear ignoring Jungkook " Okay. I love you. " Yoongi Says kissing Jungkook's head. " I love you too. " Jungkook never wanted to let go. But he has to perform so he slowly let go of Yoongi.

After The preformance. Yoongi was looking for Jungkook. To congratulate him. But then he Hears Jungkook talking to his manager. " Hyung, you know i can't let my parent's meet him. " his manager hoseok, answered " what? Why? ". " Because of You know. You know my parents they'd think of me lowly when they find out that im dating someone like yoongi. " Those words hurt yoongi like so much. It was like he was being stabbed in the heart 1000 times. Yoongi ran to Jungkook's dressing room.

Jungkookcwas quite shock why Yoongi didn't congratulated him. It was so unusual. He was currently looking for yoongi. He saw Yoongi in his dressing room sitting, eyes red. Jungkook ran to yoongi's side. " Baby? Why are you crying? " Yoongi pushed  Jungkook away " If you were embarrased to be associated with me then i think we should end this. " Yoongi says not looking up. " what? " Jungkook asked quite confused. " i heard you talking to hoseok. Its fine. Im nothing but an embarrasment anyway. That's why my parent's left me before even i get to see them. " Yoongi says standing up. " Baby. No no you're not. " Jungkook says " No. I said it's fine. Okay? No need to pity me again. I knew why you dated me.out of pity right? Well you don't have to anymore. Because here. " Yoongi says handing Jungkook his resignation letter. " I hope you make iy big out there. Just so you know. No matter what you are. Im always proud to say that you became a part of my life. " Yoongi wa sabout to leave when Jungkook stopped him " No. No. No. Please don't leave me. You got it all wrong." Yoongi freed himself from Jungkook's hold. And went out the door. Leaving Jungkook dumbfounded and a crying mess in the room. Jungkook read the letter Yoongi left.

I'll always Love You Jeon Jungkook, You'll always be my Number one. Sorry for being a disapointment that's what im only good at. I know you'll find someone much better than me. Someone who you would proudly introduce to everyone. And i'll always be here, accepting the fact that i'll never be that person. I love you with all my heart, i really do. Thank you for the moments you gave me. Don't worry i'm not mad. I can't do that to you. I love you that much.

Until then,
Min Yoongi


Okay this is sad. There will be a part 2 of this. Im still working on it. My friend helped me with the plot do creditsss!


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