36 - It was a Mistake PT. 2

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Hello it's me again :>

While waiting for the bus Yoongi was soon cut of with his thoughts by someone " hey, um are you okay? " Yoongi looked at the man talking to him " oh, um yeah i'm good. " The man smiled " do you mind if i sit? " Yoongi smiled at the man " No. Not at all. " the man sat down next to Yoongi and also waited for the bus.

The bus was taking too long to arrive Yoongi was once again cut off with his thoughts when the man spoke " Hi. I'm Taehyung and you are? " " Yoongi " Taehyung smiled and soon the two had talked about alot of things until the bus came and they both rode the bus sitting next to each other chatting the whole ride. They also decided to exchange number for future purposes.

It had been a week since Taehyung's and Yoongi's meeting and to say the two really did hit it off.

Taehyung asked Yoongi out and Taehyung was now picking up Yoongi in his office.

Yoongi was working on his computer whem Jungkook spoke " Hey um Yoongi? " Yoongi looked at Jungkook " Yeah? " Jungkook ruffles his hair " Um i just want to know if your free to- " Jungkook was cut off when one of the officers called him " Detective min? There's a guy looking for you " Hearing that Yoongi smiled " wait a second. " Yoongi then fixed his table and ready himself to leave.

Before leaving Yoongi faced Jungkook " what was that? " Jungkook oncr again scratched his neck " Nothing. Nevermind "
Yoongi was confused but he let it slide thinking Taehyung must have been waiting for too long And left. Jungkook was left with his words unsaid.

Yoongi went down and was greeted by a hug from Taehyung. " Let's go? " Taehyung asked which Yoongi returned with a nod and smile.

Their date was fun and they both wish it was endless. They went to watch a movie then of course dinner.

They were on the way home to the bus stop where they met. They were sitting down waiting for the bus when Taehyung spoke " Do you believe in Fate? " Yoongi looked at Taehyung confused " what? I don't know. Why do you believe in fate? " Taehyung smiled and slowly intertwined his fingers into Yoongi's " i do. " Yoongi held on to Taehyung's hand and asked " And why? " Taehyung smiled and looked into Yoongi's Eyes " Because it led me to you. " Yoongi blushed and hit Taehyung in the shoulder with his free hands. " You cheeseball! " Taehyung Laughed. Yoongi leaned his head onto Taehyung's shoulder, both listening to the sound of their breaths and the beat of their heart waiting for the bus to come. Fate did a good job did it?

I hope you like taegiii! I know this is a Yoonkook Book but I love Taegi So much.

Don't worry i have an alternate ending. Jungkook and Yoongi will end up together. Hope you like it. : ))))))

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