You're Mine ◤Sal Fisher◢

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  ◤Author's note : I am not that good at the Yandere trope, but I do want to make my own interpretation because most Yandere tropes (in my opinion) are cringeworthy. Hope you enjoy this one shot, even though it's hella short! Requested by BrianneStyons◢    

You should have seen the signs.

The way he looks at you during class, the way he'd try to catch your attention, the way he'd give you little gifts and whatnot.

You should have noticed it sooner.

You've heard people had been sent to the clinic due to a blow to the back of their head, and they never got to see who did it as they would be knocked out quickly. You never noticed that the people sent to the clinic had been the ones you've talked to before being knocked out.

If only you haven't been that dense.

"Hey Y/N, you and Sal would look cute together!"

"Thanks! He's the greatest friend ever, isn't he?

Oh, if you only saw how disappointed he was under his prosthetic.

If only you noticed it sooner.

You've received love letters from an anonymous someone, and you never knew it was from him. Silly you! How did you not know? You read his penmanship everyday when he'd let you read the poems he made!

Poems he made for you.

Silly you, you never noticed! 

You never noticed his obsession, but everyone around you has.

"Hey Y/N, isn't Sal a little too close with you nowadays?"

"Y/N, if I were you, I'd be careful around Sal."

You brushed them off, but you didn't listen. Sal did, though. He heard everything.

So why was it a shock to you that those people had died? Oh wait, you didn't know. 

All you knew was that they had died from a stab wound. Someone had stabbed them in the stomach and left them out to bleed in the woods. An investigation had been released, but they never knew who the murderer was.

Sal knew, because he did it.

You were left out in the dark, as you are right now, being in the dark walking home from a study session. Sal accompanied you home, as he was part of the session. He was the one who taught the other Math, he was great at the subject. 

Though you never got home, as you fainted in the middle of the street. 

You didn't suspect Sal, but now you did.

"Y/N, I'm home~"

You shudder from his sickly sweet voice, turning to the door as it opens. He has his mask off. Personally, you don't find him horrendous. Though, in this situation, everything seemed so terrifying. 

"Are you thirsty? I'm sorry, let me get you a glass of water."

The door shuts, and you hear Sal putting up the extra measures to make sure you wouldn't leave.

The room only killed you from loneliness. Sal would actually give you proper meals and water, he would also let you have an hour inside the bathroom. 

It's like this everyday. 

You'd sleep together. He'd wake up, feed you, and go to school. Then he'd come home, and interact with you.

The first few weeks, you begged for freedom. You begged to see your family.

But slowly, slowly the loneliness got to you. Random thoughts popped in your head.

If your parents loved you, wouldn't they have come to save you? If your parents loved you, wouldn't they have searched for you?

If your friends loved you, wouldn't they have come to save you? If your friends loved you, wouldn't they have searched for you?

These thoughts poisoned your mind, they were the only ones in your mind.

You became insane.

"Y/N, I'm home~"

"Welcome home, Sal dear!"

He takes off his mask, putting it by the coffee table as you greet him with a kiss.

"How was school?" You asks, sitting beside him on the couch.

"The usual, boring, because you aren't there." He tells you with a smile. 

Somewhere deep inside the recesses of your mind, you were still begging, screaming for freedom. Screaming to see your friends, your family.

Who had taken control of your body?

You knew it was you, but was it really you?

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, dear~"

You didn't know if you were lost inside your head, trying to crawl out the farthest corner of your mind. 

You didn't know if it was you actually doing this, or were you living a forced lie.

You didn't know.

But you "knew" that you "loved" Sal and that you'd "stay with him forever".

You "knew".

  ◤Author's note : I TAKE IT BACK I SUCK AT THIS ◢    

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