Always. ◤Sal Fisher◢

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Author's note : ANOTHER YANDERE!SAL REQUEST PAUSE HOW DO YOU MAKE A YANDERE!SAL ONESHOT AAAAAAA- anyway, this is requested by exen_h_at, hope you enjoy this one! (ALSO IM A BIG, BIG B I G FAN OF YOUR SF FANFICTION, I LOVE IT, THE PLOT IS SO GREAT, I LOVE THE WORDING, AND OVERALL I LOVe your work so much I read it in one seating because it was soo good, I can't wait for the sequel and the prequel) Now onto the one-shot and let's pretend I did not just fangirl!◢  

Week One

"Damn, Y/N's been gone for three days." Ash frowns, eating her sandwich. She looks at the others, "Has she texted any of you?"

"She hasn't." Larry shakes his head. "I'm worried too, by now we'd hear from her parents that she's terribly sick, but I remember Y/N saying they're gone on an outing."

"And she opted to stay at home?" Ash raises an eyebrow.

"She texted me last week." Larry pulls out his phone, showing the texts. Ashley looks at them, frowning. 


It's silent.

"I miss her." Sal sighs. Larry pats his shoulder.

"We know you do, man, let's go visit her house." He says, releasing his hold on Sal and continuing to eat.

Neither of them could see the sinister smile hidden behind his mask. 

"Hey guys- woah, Y/N's still not coming to school?" Todd frowns,  sitting next to Sal. "She'd usually be here by now, she's got a strong immune system."

"She really does." Sal mumbles, and they all turn to look at him. "What? You do remember the time I took care of her while her parents were out."

"Right, right." Larry snickers. He turns to Ash, "This guys says he "took care of her"."

"Gross, shut up Larry! You always joke about that!" Sal laughs, but still they couldn't see the sinister grin on his lips.

How glad is he that he's wearing a mask?

Week Two

"This is starting to be super creepy." Larry sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's been two weeks."

"Her parents aren't home yet either." Ash mumbles. She turns to Larry, "Didn't you go to her house last week?"

"I kept having stomach issues that I had to stay at home." He grumbles. He turns to Sal, "You went to her house, right?"

"Huh?" Sal blinks at Larry. "Dude, I escorted you home, didn't you remember? Even bought you medicine for your stomach issues."

Larry squints, before slowly nodding, "Oh, oh right, sorry, I forgot. I'm just so frustrated, I miss her man! I'll visit her again today, stomach problems or not."

Sal squints, then he speaks up, "I'll come with, in case you get stomach problems."

"Thanks dude, you always have my back."

"You know it dude." Sal smiles, the same sinister smile.

Week Three

"Any sign on Larry?" Ash asks, visibly tired. Her eyes are bloodshot, she has bags under her eyes, and she looks sickly pale.

"I don't know, he's still not waking up." Sal says in a shaky voice, which he has practised over and over again as to not arouse suspicion. His shoulders quiver, just as he has planned, "I-I'm sorry, I should have stopped the guy from-"

"Sal, you always say that. It isn't your fault, you're lucky that you managed to run away with Larry." Ash puts a hand on his shoulder. "Let's just hope for the best."

"Yes, we should." Sal tilts his mask, reaching up the wipe the "tears" from his eyes. 

He can't wait to come home. 

School ends, and as usual he goes home, waits until night time, and heads out to go to your house. He looks around, no witnesses. He grins to himself, and goes up to your house. He opens the door.

And his grin falls as he sees Ash holding you. 

"You monster!" She shrieks, throwing the first thing she managed to grab, a lamp. He easily sidestep it, as he had done so the first time when he went to your house. He takes the knife in his pocket, in case you try to flee (as you had done so many times), and does not hesitate to slice Ashley's neck. She gasps, trying to breath but blood merely floods her windpipe as she chokes on her own blood. You watch in fear as blood sprays on your face, turning to Sal. 

"Hello dear." He greets, gripping your arm and pulling you towards him. "Ash paid you a visit, huh? Did you have fun?"

You shake your head frantically, knowing what would happen if you had said yes. Last time you did that, Larry ended up in the hospital.

But you could do nothing as Ashley's already dead. He cusses, knowing that Ash's parents probably know that she went to your house. 

"It's time to find a new home, Y/N." He tells you in that same sickly sweet voice. "Away from all the prying eyes."

You only nod, you knew that if you started speaking, you'd be wailing and bawling your eyes out. 

"We'll come back for your things soon." He kisses your forehead, before slamming the edge of the knife at your head, knocking you out. 

You wake up.

Police sirens.

Screaming. Shouting. Screeching.


Your eyes shoot open, you're being carried by someone. You see Sal frantically thrashing around, trying to get to her.


Your eyes water, trembling.

What's happening?!

"You have the right to remain silent!" Someone shouts. "Anything you say can and will be held against you!"

"I don't give a flying fuck, officer!" Sal snarls, still trying to get out of the grip the other police officers has on him. "You can't take her away!"

"Send him away."

This only causes Sal to struggle harder, his screams piercing anyone's ears, "NO! DON'T, SHE'S MINE! SHE'LL ALWAYS BE MINE!"

Soon he's been shoved inside the back of the police car, you watch with wide eyes as he pounds on the window, still screaming for you.

"M'am? M'am, are you okay?" A paramedic asks you, shining a light into your eyes. You squint, unresponsive. "I believe she has gone through shock, get her inside the ambulance!"

His words stuck in you.

His voice is everywhere.

Have you gone insane?

After everything he's done to you, why is he always the only one in your mind?

Author's note : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im sorry this is bad, i cant write yandere!sal that well hahahahaha thanks for reading, comment if you enjoyed this one or if you think is really really bad!!◢  

◤Sally Face Oneshots◥ ◣Sally Face x Reader◢Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ