Behind the Screen [4]◤Sal Fisher◢

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Author's note : watch me astral project and not remembering to type this part, aha! hope you guys enjoy whatever my body decides to type!◢ 

"What do you mean, I finally remember?" Sal asks, clutching his phone as he sits on Larry's beanbag. Todd's sitting on Larry's easel stool, also looking at Sal.

"Honestly we were suppose to try and get your memories back as fast as possible, but the first time Todd tried to pry into your head, you ended up in the hospital." Larry turns to Todd, frowning, "That still sucks."

"I'm sorry Sal, I didn't know that migraines go as far as giving you nosebleeds." Todd sighs. Sal blinks.

"I remember that, but I didn't remember about you asking me about-" He pauses. "Nevermind about that, what do I need to know?"

"Y/N, your girlfriend, the love of your life," Larry takes in a deep breathe. "We don't know where she is, all we know is that the police found you passed out in the middle of the forest and Y/N's gone."

"I remember that. Somehow. My mind is hazy." Sal shakes his head. He puts up his phone, "Also, you got to see this."

"See what?"

Sal opens his phone, showing the screen to them.

".. What are we supposed to see?" Larry asks, raising an eyebrow as he turns to Sal. Sal's heart drops as he turns his phone around.


"Yeah?" You pop out from the app you call home. He sighs in relief, showing the screen to his friends again. "Oh, hello! You must be Larry!"

Todd's and Larry's lips hang open, not believing what they are seeing- hearing, rather.

"Did I do something wrong?" You ask, curious. 

"I-It's her voice, but how?" Todd turns to Sal, eyes wide. "How did th-that get into your phone!"

"I don't know either, but this- this is happening all too fast for me, she just appeared yesterday and my phone glitched two times and showed two videos every time N/N said something that was related to our memories." Sal explain. 

"What was the first video about?" Larry asks.

"Our first date."

"Second video?" Todd asks. Sal remains silent.

"Tha-That's not important right now!" His ears burn red again. Todd gives Larry a look, both of them snickering. "A-Anyway! How do we find Y/N?"

"First things first, how did you find her in your phone?" Todd asks, pointing at you. 

".. Larry, remember that therapy AI app I have?" Sal explains. Larry points at you.

"That- You've been talking to her?" Larry asks, a bit surprised. "Wow, that's-"

"Guys, that gives me an idea, we can hack the app!" Todd exclaims, with Larry and Sal shushing him. "What?"

"Mom's sleeping in the other room." Larry hisses.

"She needs her rest, man." Sal agrees.


"Anyway, how would we hack the app?" Larry asks. "Anyone knows how to hack phones?"

"I would, but so far I've only hacked websites. Don't know anything about phones." Todd frowns. Though he perks up, "I know someone though."


"Someone from school, helped me remove a virus from my phone and even installed an app that let me get any app I want regardless if you have to pay for it or not." Todd smugly smiles.

"That's how you got Minecraft." Larry says, nodding thoughtfully.

"What?" Sal turns to Todd.

"Nevermind that!" Todd returns to the topic at hand, "More than likely, this friend of mine is not asleep, they rarely fall asleep, they're an insomniac."

"I have a feeling I know this person." Sal says.

"No you don't." Todd deadpans. "Anyway, we could go now or tomorrow."

"Now, so no one would be suspicious." Larry stands up. "I can just tell Mom we decided to get drunk because I got a perfect score on a test."

"You did?"

"Shut up man, we both know that's a lie-" Larry grins, "Sike, I did, perfect score in Spanish class!"

They all gear up in their rooms, and you speak up, "Hey Sal?"

He turns to his phone, seeing you sitting on the "floor" of the phone.

"I'm scared." You admit, hugging your knees. "All this talk is.. making me scared. What happens if your phone gets hacked? Do I disappear?"

"N/N," He pauses, realises that he had used your- his girlfriend's nickname as the AI in his phone's name- he shakes his head, continuing, "I'll save you. Trust me, you'll see my world again."

Pixel tears stream down your cheeks again, standing up and placing a hand at the barrier, "Please save me."

His phone glitches again. His eyes widen, running out of his room and to where he, Larry, and Todd are supposed to meet. They stare at him, and he shows them his phone just in time his phone lights up and a video shows. They all watch, eyes wide.

"SAL!" You, as Sal had figured out that it's your perspective he's been watching from. He watches as he runs towards you. "PLEASE, SAVE ME!"

"I'm coming!" He shouts in the video, running as fast as he can. "Y/N! TRY TO STRUGGLE!"


Your shrieks pierce their ears, and he lowers the volume on the phone. The video looks back and forth from him and the captor. They get a good look at the face of the captor.

But they don't know who the fuck it is. 

His phone glitches again, shutting, before opening to reveal you stuck in the position you were in before. Like an animation, you start moving again. 

"P-Please save me." You sob, pixel tears still streaming down your face.

"Let's go."

They exit the apartment complex, and follow Todd to his 'friend'.

Author's note : wow i really astral projected on this one, hahaha, i need to sleep it's midnight- hope you enjoyed this one! might not be a 5-part mini-fic after all◢ 

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