Myosotis Bouquet [2] ◤Route Series◢

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Author's note : i realise that i might make the characters ooc so pls correct if i did because i kind of wrote this late at night so y e ah ◢  

The next day had come, and you had been deep in thought throughout breakfast as you decide on where to go first. 

After taking a shower, you had decided to go to your old friend name Ashley Campbell, who is the one who lives outside of Addison apartments. Hearing from your dad, he told you how the two of you would have sleep overs nearly every weekend at each other's house, and that the two of you loved cooking with each other. 

But that's all he knows, and you knew it wasn't.. enough for you. 

You head on out of your apartment, hands deep into your jacket's pocket as you wait for the elevator to open-  it does, almost immediately which had surprised you. More so when the blue haired boy, who you learned from your father was Sal Fisher, is standing there, suddenly averting his gaze and avoiding you. 

Once again, as it did yesterday, guilt settles in your heart as you endure a short moment of standing in the elevator with him before rushing out. You wanted to apologise, to say something, but somehow fear and crippling guilty paralysed you from doing so. 

You walk out in the summer sun, squinting your eyes as the rays of light shine down on everything in its path. You lightly jog, heading on over to the houses to see which one Ash lives at. Your dad had given you directions as he had said that he used to fetch you at their house after a sleep over. 

Seeing the third house in the fourth street you've passed by, you head on to the front porch and bring your hand up to knock on the door. Before you did, however, you notice the doorbell just beside the door. Swallowing down your shyness, you press it to hear a buzz from the inside.

"Coming! Wait a moment!" You hear, followed by a rush of footsteps towards at the door It swings inwards, and you widen your eyes as you did not really expect Ash to be so pretty. She stares at you in shock, before bursting into tears and giving you a hug, "Y/N! Girl, I missed you so much! It's been a year, just where did you go?!"

You awkwardly pat her on the back, letting her have her fill before letting go. She sniffles, wiping her tears by the sleeves of her shirt, "Come in, come on, I freakin' miss you!"

She lets you inside to the living room, and you make yourself at home as you sit on the couch. She hops onto the spot beside you, before looking so sullen- opposite to what emotion she had showed you earlier, "I.. heard, more like read, from Sal that you looked at him as if.. you.. didn't know him, and.."

"I can explain that." You quickly say, impatient for any other more words. "Look, first of all, I am so so sorry for me not appearing for a year. Also, I am very sorry that I forgot about you guys."

"I'm kind of offended by that." Ash frowns, though you could see the lighthearted look in her eyes.

"Sorry." You breathe out, leaning on the couch and looking up. "Thing is.. I.. got into a car accident a year ago going to [us state] and.. I got.."

".. and you got head damage and got amnesia?" Ash puts her hand on yours after you nod, looking teary eyed again, "Oh my gosh, I will be the one to apologise for Sal acting that way, but.. why didn't you explain to him right away? He would have understood."

"I- I don't know either, guess I was so confused and guilty that I kind of got paralysed." You start to tear up as well, your throat starting to hurt as you try to swallow down your impending sobs, "I-I'm just so.. confused, I'm sorry, it's hard on me too for not remembering most of my life.."

Ash gives you a hug, and you spend your time crying your heart out, spewing out apologies left and right. 

After the fit, you wipe your tears. Ash comes back from the kitchen to give you a glass of water, with you taking it and drinking down as much as you can. Refreshed, you look at your hands in your lap, hesitating as you ask, "Can you.. tell me what kind of friends we were?"

The question seems to light up her whole world as she gets comfortable on the couch, crossing her legs as she faces you. You watch her as she shovels through the depths of her mind of your earliest memories to the recent ones, adding details as much as possible in case you remember any of them.

Sadly, you do not, but you try to envision the memories you used to have with her, trying to relive the happy moments you've had with her and your friends. 

She even tells you of your old personality, that you were one of the wildest people she has ever met. She said that you used to swear all the time, that you were a bit reckless but carried yourself with high dignity.

Now you seemed so refined, like you have been living a posh lifestyle your entire life. You frown at this, wondering the other blank memories of your old personality.

Somehow you overstayed your welcome as you realise that time had passed while she told you all the memories you've had. You chuckle at one joke retells, and letting out a sigh, "Ash, I love staying here, but I might need to head on home."

"Oh, no problem! You're free to come back again tomorrow!" She stands up, leading you to the exit. "Or any time, really, as long as you text me- hey, that's one! Let's exchange numbers, come on!"

You comply, smiling as you take your phone out of your pocket, exchanging phones and typing in each other's numbers.

"Thanks for hearing me out, Ash." You say as you step out of the door, holding her hand fondly. "I never knew that before the accident, we were the best of friends."

"I can't get used to you speaking like that, but I'll forgive the new you." She says, patting your shoulder. She waves as you walk down the front porch, shouting, "See you! Text me, 'kay?"

"Alright." You wave at her goodbye, but you suddenly run back to the porch before she could close the door, "Ash, also!"

"What is it?" She opens it a bit, eyebrows raised.

"Please don't.. tell the others that I went to talk to you. I want to go to them myself and explain." You tell her with a solemn smile. "Can you do that for me?"

You feel your heartbeat speed up as Ash places a hand on your cheek, staring at your fondly. You could swear that your cheeks are slowly heating up.

"Of course I will." She softly says, tilting her head as she smiles. She leans in, giving you a kiss on the cheek. She pulls away, patting your head and gently closing the door. 

You slowly turn around, walking back to Addison Apartments as you try to calm your wildly beating heart. 

Somehow, you wished that she had gone straight to your lips rather than kissing you on the cheek.

You shake your head, lightly slapping your cheeks to relieve yourself of those thoughts. Ash is a friend! You like you friends, sure, but, it seems wrong to.. like them.

Huffing, you power walk your way back to the apartments, trying to distract yourself from romantic thoughts of Ash.

Author's note : ay y y y y ◢  

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